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About Wolfpods CD’s
We share your passion for collecting music in all its many forms. Some people would prefer we stopped offering you the fruits of our passion, but let me tell you a little story. It’s all a racket! The “free” traders, downloaders, file sharing sites, etc. are all in it to make money. Nobody does any work for free, servers are not configured for free, software is not created, ads are not placed, and marketing does not happen unless there is some form of commerce. In our case it is simply that we offer an alternative way to get the music you collect, in a finely packaged, portable manner. The people who have chased us off Ebay, and iOffer (and who will eventually seek to shut this site down too) are the same people who would prefer that you not eat meat, or use plastic straws, or not listen to 40 year old live concerts by artists no longer even alive. They are the same people who single handedly destroyed the modern music Industry and will never take responsibility for it, but rather blame people like you, and me, and say we are hurting the “community” because we collect live CD’s, and actually pay for them (God forbid!). The best thing we can do is ignore the hostile takeover and continue to do what we want, what we have a passion for, for as long as we possibly can. To that end, I promise to do everything in my power to keep the music alive. At the end of the day, I am a collector of music. If you look in my garage you will not find a Lambo, in fact my car was built in 2004! I do this because I love to do this, period. The profits generated from this endeavor have gone to finance the wonderful little records and CD’s I have produced for deserving artists of decades past, all of whom got overlooked or criminally ignored by the music industry in favor of weak, flavor of the month top 40 bands or worse, disco music. Every time you purchase a product from Wolfpods CD’s, you help a deserving artist realize a long forgotten dream of having their music heard. Explore this site, discover all the wonderful music, help create a community of like-minded people virtually gathering together to partake in a very worthwhile hobby. Enjoy, and thank you for all your support over the years! It’s good to see you again.