Iron Maiden - Tour of Japan 1982: (complete set) Volume One: Audience 7.4 - Thankful for these Japanese tapers who had the best gear at the time. Reasonably clear if a little squashed, it nevertheless is way better than 85% of the early Maiden audience recordings. Volume Two: Audience 7.6 - Just a touch better than Volume one, suffers from the same limitations but has a slightly more open sound. Volume Three: Audience 8.4 - This is best of the tour by far. A great early audience recording...it’s clear and open sounding. Yes!
Audience 8.7 - A fascinating live document that showcases some amazing talents paired with Jack’s keen sense of songcraft on a night where all cylinders are firing. A great way to begin exploring the post Cream Jack Bruce if you have not done so already. The bonus material on disc 2 is equally fascinating, offering a sneak peak into the inner workings of Jack’s mind. Everyone can get into this power-packed set!