• Audience 8.9 - A little bit of tape noise comes through on quieter passages but this is a very strong recording for the vintage. I’d like to know what the taper used for this.
  • Audience 8.8 - Quite an amazing find! A very rare and previously uncirculated show that sounds very clean and close, and it’s the original line-up! I have to categorize this as a must have.
  • Audience 8.6 - The recording here leans toward the bright and trebly side but that lends an excellent opportunity to hear specifically what the guitar is doing, and the bass now has articulation so it’s not just a loud, dull rumble like most recordings tend to be with these blasting grunge bands. Chris sounds brilliant, and he’s maybe the clearest instrument on the stage too. Once you get used to the general timbre of the sound, it’s a fun, wild ride.
  • Audience 9.4 - For the uninitiated, well all I can say is be careful because you are diving into the deep end of the pool with this one! Bristling with improvisational madness at times magnificent and other times lost in the woods but always right on the ragged edge. Very daring music, which if played today would be met with blank staring faces but here the audience is in total rapture.
  • Sale!

    AEROSMITH – Backstage Pass 1974-1977 (3CD)

    Original price was: $28.49.Current price is: $26.49.
    CD 1 - Audience 7.7 - A very rare tape that only recently surfaced. Hard to complain when presented with something as rare, so just be aware that the tape was recorded in the middle of the venue and features a boomy, echoey sound. CD 2 - A very good recording, clear and immersive, you can really get into this one. CD 3 Surprisingly clear, a welcome addition to the not so well documented 1977 period where the band starts to really fray around the edges (and in the middle!) but that is not evident here – this is the band in fine form.
  • Sale!

    BLACK CROWES – Houston 1991 (1CD)

    Original price was: $16.49.Current price is: $15.49.
    Audience 8.5 - A significant evening for the band as they headline their first show, just after being booted from ZZ Top tour. Sounds fine, taper does maneuver at times and the movement is picked up on the sensitive mic, but overall this is very listenable if not overly dynamic. Good to have it, a very important show in Black Crowes history.
  • Audience 8.7 - Pieced together from a few different sources, we finally get a pretty good representation of the events of the day which, now together with the rare footage included in this set, reveal a pretty incredible artifact for collectors.
  • Audience 9.0 - This band is certainly an acquired taste for many, but every ear can agree to the quality of this recording. Airy but right there in a very comfortable mid range with very detailed high end and a smooth, round bass. Terrific!
  • Sale!

    THE WHO – Los Angeles 1980 (2CD)

    Original price was: $23.49.Current price is: $22.29.
    Audience 9.0 - Ok, so here’s the deal with this one – skip past the first song because it’s toast, the levels were not set and the distortion is off the charts. After that the taper readjusts levels and off we go to a really nice, atmospheric and clear recording of a powerful show.
  • Sale!

    KISS – Fresno 1979 (1CD)

    Original price was: $16.49.Current price is: $15.29.
    Audience 8.7 - This recording makes the band sound like they are in a smaller venue, when I know they aren’t.
  • FM Radio 9.4 - Pretty slammin’ stuff here. The band is pretty hot around this time, very confident, with a good set list. Occasional static does make a presence on this tape, but it kind of lurks behind the music rather than over the top of it.
  • Soundboard and Audience 8.7 – 8.6 – 8.4  - The first two discs are soundboard but show signs of age and lack brightness although both are clear. Disc 1 sounds like it was broadcast over the air, and is slightly better than disc 2. Disc 3 is an audience recording that sometimes peaks in volume causing some high end distortion (mainly present in the cymbal crashes) but is not bad overall.

  • Audience 8.1 - A shaky start to this recording, but it smooths out and becomes listenable with clear vocals that rise up and out of the depths. The interesting thing about this show is that Pete is nailing all his solos with precision, a rare thing to be honest. The band is in fine form, they even play “However Much I Booze” which was only done a handful of times on this tour.
  • Sale!

    HENRY COW – Rock In Opposition Festival UK 78 + France 75 (2CD)

    Original price was: $23.49.Current price is: $21.49.
    Audience 9,6 and Audience 8.4 - The UK 78 material is fantastic! Vibrant and dynamic, should be released officially.
  • Audience 8.5 - This recording has a lot working in its favor by mainly allowing the listener to hear each instrument clearly. The tape does have sonic limitations in that it sounds like the taper wisely dialed down the levels so as not to overload the signal, especially as JP was probably quite loud. This means that you will want to turn the volume up a little even though it may mean that you also bring up some background noise, which is present but not invasive. It’s a very good tape, I believe that this has been re-mastered too, so I consider it an upgrade to other versions that may be out there, although I was unfamiliar with this show until recently.


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