• Issued by Mandus Music.  Brand New and never played. UK import.
  • Audience 7.8 - A rather subdued tape, as if they left the microphone underneath something for stealth purposes because while you do hear everything, it lacks punch and clarity. It’s not crap, but it should be considered for collectors only.
  • SDBRD 9.1 - Well mixed, so that you pretty much get to hear every single thing that is happening with clarity and precision.
  • Audience 8.7 - A crisp and clear recording with a liveliness to it that makes you feel like you are sitting in the audience listening. Lovely!
  • Soundboard 8.8 - A grungy, dirty piece of heaven! I used to listen to this band when I was young man not yet in my 20’s. I was so happy to finally hear what they were like live…and be able to hear it!  I shy away from a lot of this old metal only because it was so hard to record them live unless it was through the board or professionally. This is cool shit! Nasty Savage CBGB New York, NY 11 27 85 1. No Sympathy 2. Gladiator 3. Fear Beyond the Vision 4. Asmodeus 5. Metal Knights 6. Unchained Angel 7. Instigator 8. Psychopath 9. Dungeon of Pleasure 10. The Morgue 11. Indulgence 12. Witches Sabbath 13. End of Time 14. XXX 15. Savage Desire    
  • Audience 8.6 - A little thin but surprisingly clear, and man, just to hear this stuff I gotta say it’s a privilege. The material these bands came up with around this time – 1972-73 – it’s just a whole different world of rock and roll that most people were, and still are, completely unaware of. I like the experimental spaciness of the opening “jam sessions” with Franco Battiato (probably with members of the other bands), you get the feeling these guys were really tuned in to each other because it’s not recklessly chaotic, there’s a mystical beauty to it. The Quella Vecchia Locanda is just insane, too bad only one song, and it’s not complete, but I think only a small portion was missed I could be wrong. Garybaldi’s set consists of most of the Astrolabio record, which is very cool but I wished there was some of the Nuda stuff on here.
  • FM Radio Broadcast 8.5 - The tape source shows its age, and then there’s the telltale radio compression as well so you get a reasonably clear sound with a lack of high end clarity, occasional minor drop outs, that sort of thing. It’s not that bad, I expect better of an FM broadcast but there’s not much out there from this station, this is a pretty rare thing, and the band, while very good, never achieved a lot of commercial success. They are traditional AOR rock that sometimes reminds me of Bob Seger or Meatloaf.
  • Audience 7.6 - Very impressive stuff. This band sounds so much heavier live than on their record, and their record is pretty damn heavy!  I would imagine a lot of young people at this gig later formed their own bands and decided they could be even heavier than these guys - thus was born the modern metal sound. So, to me, it just sounds like these guys were taking the music they heard as kids (Blue Cheer, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath), and putting their own twist on it. Great stuff!
  • Audience 8.9 - A great way to discover this band, with a realistic and well captured recording of a very professional performance.
  • Audience 8.7 - I gave this a good rating for the combination of very good audience tape with not the best live stage mix (vocals kind of buried), excited audience (but respectful during performance) and a powerful performance (drums are wailing, Leslie is on point). Mountain Dates: 25 August, 1973 Venue: Budokan City: Tokyo Country: Japan Track: 01: Introduction 02: Never In My Life 03: Theme For An Imaginary Western 04: Blood Of The Sun 05: Nantucket Sleigh Ride 06: Guitar Solo 07: Crossroader 08: Mississippi Queen 09: Silver Paper 10: Roll Over Beethoven Lineup: Leslie West: Guitar, Vocal Felix Pappalardi: Bass, Vocal Allan Schwartzberg: Drums Bob Mann: Keyboards, Guitar
  • Audience 8.4 - A little lo-fi here but guitar is up front followed by drums which you can hear well. Some tape hiss present, bass is in a good place not too boomy and complements the guitar sound well. Leslie is playing more fluid here, probably because RCMH is known for good acoustics so he must have had good feedback. Crowd is on his side, he owned New York without a doubt. I feel like this recording would benefit greatly from a good re-mastering, hiss reduction, etc. because it has a decent enough sonic foundation. MOUNTAIN RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL NEW YORK CITY, NY, USA OCTOBER 3, 1974 Lineup: "From Bronx, Queens and Canada" (= quote from stage announcement): Leslie West (+) - guitar & vocals Felix Pappalardi (+) - bass & vocals Corky Laing - drums & percussion 01. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On 5:41 02. Theme For An Imaginary Western 5:45 03. Thumbsucker 5:17 04. You Better Believe It 10:09 05. Crossroader 7:38 06. Nantucket Sleighride 20:20 07. Leslie West Guitar Solo 7:27 08. Satisfaction > 7:27 09. Corky Laing Drum Solo 2:51 10. Mississippi Queen 5:28


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