Sale!Audience 9.4 - What a fantastic recording! Seriously, the louder you crank it, the better it sounds. Beautiful, full round bass, punchy and clear drums and guitar that is not washed out by P.A. and hall dynamics. Good show atmosphere, appreciative home crowd, and a band inspired and having loads of fun. Hot damn!
Sale!Soundboard 9.5 - Infinitely enjoyable!
Sale!Audience 7.7 - A distant recording, and some hiss present, but the music can be discerned. Not going to have a lot of dynamics, but for collectors out there, you can enjoy this one for what it is…and it continues to fill in the missing pieces of the Keith Moon years.
Sale!FM Broadcast 9.0 - Not sure what the master source is for this one, it could either be a cassette tape or an LP, either way the sound is very good but there’s a little bit of that typical kind of compression you got off FM broadcasts. Not a problem here, just that I notice it.
Audience 9.4 - This is just one of those very lucky evenings where all the elements came together for a great result – good taper location, excellent house sound, excellent music performed. Each instrument is articulate and exists within its own frequency so there’s no overcrowding, it’s a joy to listen to!
Sale!Audience 9.1 - The last of a four night stand in Paris, and probably the best of the recordings made. Strong, clear, and a nice warm mid tone, although not as atmospheric, meaning taper must have been close (and knew how to operate the recording levels!).
Sale!Audience 8.7 - A decent tape that documents the first show of the ’77 Euro tour. There is a little bit of overcrowding in the mid to upper band, it’s not horrible but it prevents some of the detail in the guitar from being clearly heard. Bass sounds round and brassy, vocals are up front and clear.
Sale!Audience 8.9 - A really cool recording in that keys, drums and bass sound right next to you but guitar swirls above them, and over your head, and around your ears… VERY nice atmosphere and picked up extremely well by the taper.
Sale!Audience 8.7 - An interesting tape, the recording is very lifelike and captures one of the best keyboard dominate performances I have ever heard. What I mean is, the keys really come to life on this one, as opposed to being merely “sound effects”, and the rest of the band is great too. A keeper!
Sale!Audience 8.8 - This is a huge stadium and the sound is very atmospheric, you can hear the music swirl above your head giving you an amazing sense of space. It’s actually very cool! I feel like I am there, and I missed this concert so I am so happy to get to experience it.
Audience 8.6 - Very close to the mains, and it’s incredibly loud to the point that Robin can barely control his feedback. But the tape holds together, even if there’s some loss of vocal clarity, none of that even matters because after a couple of songs you are so bludgeoned by this devastating guitar/bass onslaught that vocals would be barely noticed anyway.
Audience 8.5 - This tape sounds very low generation if not direct from a master, very articulate high end but missing a good solid low end – that does not kill it though. It’s got a good amount of hall atmosphere without actual reverb effect which is fine. Listening to this, I realize that the Turbo tour was really damn good, a lot of good songs and great playing.
Audience 8.4 - This is a very rare glimpse at a short lived incarnation of Johnny Winter’s band, mainly the addition of his brother Edgar. So it’s an interesting tape, sounds VERY close to the main P.A. system and consequently has some upper mid crowding which makes for a strange mixture of a tape that is both clear and bright, and overcrowded in the upper mid band. It’s good sounding but does not give you much separation of instruments. For collectors this has to be considered a very important tape though.
Sale!FM Broadcast 9.4 - Excellent atmosphere (better than a pure, dry soundboard) and the band, what can I say, just great as always.