Pro Studio 9.4 - This supposedly comes from an acetate but it sounds very good, too good to be an acetate but who knows? Short but sweet, and worth the price to get to hear this collaboration. What could have become of it had it been pursued more at the time. I think it is pretty good stuff, let’s face it, Arthur Lee does sound better vocally than Jimi. Jimi Hendrix with Love & Arthur Lee 'The Blue Thumb Acetate' Olympic Sound Studios, London, England Tuesday March 17th, 1970 01 - The Everlasting First (Take 16) 02 - Easy Rider - Take 1 03 - Easy Rider - Take 2 04 - Loon [An Instrumental Jam]
CD 1 - London 1975 - Audience 7.2 - Sound is a little muffled but vocals and guitar cut through the murkiness, taper seems to also be moving to find a better spot and sometimes he catches a sweet spot and the sound clears a little. Overall I think fans will appreciate this recording for what it is, a good solid performance. CD 2 - Salisbury 1975 - Audience 8.0 (solid) - Sounds a lot cleaner and brighter than disc 1, so enjoy!
2 Shows: CD 1 - Audience 8.3 - A very good, reasonably clear tape that does not showcase a wide dynamic range but doesn’t really need to, I mean to say, it’s an historic artifact that most fans and collectors of Love/Arthur Lee will be very happy to hear. CD 2 - Audience 8.1 - This tape starts off kind of rough but gradually gets better until it gets to a consistency that you can appreciate for what it is. It does not take much of the show before it gets better which is a relief because it is a good, strong show. Disc 3 is a video CD (MP4 file) of 6 minutes, very Rare, never before seen b/w video footage of Love a few days before the show on disc one.
Sale!Soundboard 9.4 - As can be expected this is professionally done and the source is low gen as it sounds fresh and crisp with minimal tape noise.
Audience 8.6 - A middle of the road tape that is missing a good chunk of the middle of the show…but he captures the last half somehow and we end up with a pretty full disc. Effort was made to re-master this tape which ran too fast, so that is now fixed as well. This sounds much better than how it began I can tell you that! Lou Reed Palasport, Torino, Italy February 12, 1975 01 -Sweet Jane 02 -Coney Island Baby 03 -Pale Blue Eyes 04 -I'm Waiting For The Man 05 -Heroin 06 -Berlin 07 -Lady Day 08 -Kill Your Sons 09 -Vicious 10 -encore cheer 11 -Rock & Roll 12 -crowd walkout Band line-up Lou Reed - Vocals, Guitar Doug Yule - Guitar, Organ Bruce Yaw - Bass Marty Fogel - Saxophones Michael Suchorsky - Drums Larry Packer - Violin
Audience 8.7 - A New York venue hosts a venerable New York artist and the result is a wild evening by all accounts. Recording captures the event admirably although taper is fighting between small club packed with rowdy folk and loud rock and roll band – thankfully band wins! Lou Reed The Bottom Line NYC, NY. June 3, 1979 1. -Sweet Jane 2. -Medley -Waiting For The Man -Work With Me Annie -Sexy Ways -I Wanna Be Black 3. -I'll Be Your Mirror 4. -Perfect Day 5. -Men Of Good Fortune
Audience 9.3 - A solid recording in a small venue that is very intimate, in fact it sounds like the drums aren’t even going through the mains they sound so natural. I could swear taper is seated right in front of the band…really surprised they aren’t discovered by Lou and arrested on the spot! Lou Reed The Bottom Line New York 5-11-77 Disc 1 1. Sweet Jane 2. I'm Waiting For The Man 3. Rock And Roll Heart 4. Heroin 5. Rock And Roll 6. Walk On The Wild Side 7. Shooting Star 8. You Better Dance, Dance, Dance Disc 2 1. Lisa Says 2. Satellite Of Love 3. Leave Me Alone 4. Coney Island Baby 5. Vicious 6. Berlin 7. Banging On My Drums
Sale!Soundboard 8.8 - This tape does not feature the greatest mix ever, but it’s functional and is a good full show. Question: Was Lou Reed really well known in Australia? A guy from the barrio of New York City, but well known in Australia somehow?!?! I think that is strange, haha!
Studio Quality 8.8 - Not quite ready for prime time, but very very good and nice to have in the collection. Some really good playing, and if you are a fan of Lou Reed, good singing…but that’s all pretty subjective isn’t it? Berlin Acetate Morgan Studios London, England 1973-06-22 - 07-17 01.Caroline Says I 02.How Do You Think It Feels 03.Looking Thru The Eyes Of Hate 04.Oh Jim 05.Birthday 06.Berlin 07.Berlin outro 08.The Kids 09.The Kids II 10.Caroline Says II 11.Caroline Says III 12.Sad Song
Audience 8.2 - A somewhat average tape that is brand new to circulation and captures a good time for Lou when he had some great songs and great players with him. Plus side of the recording is that it is low gen and clear enough to hear the band although keyboards are quite behind in the stage mix. Lou is more prominent, with bass and guitar next. A good tape for a lo-fi cassette recorder snuck into the venue in the mid 70’s. Lou Reed Milwaukee Auditorium Milwaukee, WI. 10-31-1974 1. -Tuning 2. -Intro Jam 3. -Sweet Jane 4. -Vicious 5. -Ride Sally Ride 6. -Heroin 7. -Kill Your Sons 8. -N.Y. Stars 9. -Animal Language 10. -Sally Can't Dance 11. -Walk On The Wild Side 12. -White Light White Heat 13. -Goodnight Ladies
Soundboard 9.6 - A tight, expertly mixed board tape. I think how they mic’d this up to include audience was a great idea, it adds so much to this recording. Lou feeds off their excitement. Lou Reed - "Live At The Roxy" December 1,1976 Roxy Theatre, Los Angeles KMET FM Radio Broadcast Disc 1 01 Intro 02 Sweet Jane 03 I Believe In Love 04 Lisa Says 05 Kicks 06 She's My Best Friend 07 I'm Waiting For The Man Disc 2 01 A Sheltered Life 02 You Wear It So Well 03 Claim To Fame 04 Vicious Circle 05 Heroin 06 Walk On The Wild Side 07 Coney Island Baby Lou Reed - vocals, guitar Michael Fonfara - keyboards Bruce Yaw - bass Marty Fogel - sax Michael Suchorsky - drums