Audience 8.7 - Is this the mother of Prince shows? It very well could be just that. A marathon to begin with, but even better, the band and Prince are in spectacular form as an audience that has waited some 19 years for Prince to return to their city literally explode as one hurricane caliber force. Perfect, intense, brilliant. Audio quality is VERY good too, some nice ambience and just enough of the crowd next to the taper to imagine yourself there at the show. Just a ton of fun listening to this, and missing Prince dearly.
Sale!Audience 8.1 - This tape is slightly overloaded but mastering has kept the distortion to a bare minimum so it’s actually pretty damn good. The sound is forceful, with drums and bass driving the beat home and guitar thankfully riding over the top of it in good clarity. A total jam fest it is, fans of UFO will love love love this early gig!
Audience 8.1 - I’m always amazed that tapes keep turning up just when you think you’ve discovered them all. Here’s one that is new for me, and it’s not bad. Now, you aren’t gonna crank this on the hi-fi and use it to impress your buddy or anyone for that matter – but for those of us who understand what we are dealing with, I think you will appreciate this tape and find probably more good points than bad. For one thing, it is not a muddy mess, and your ears will adjust to it and you’ll get sucked into it like I did and find it to be a decent one.
Audience 8.6 - A serviceable recording that I am thankful to have in that it captures an exceptional night where the band is simply on another level, especially Ronnie James Dio. The dynamics do not impress, and there’s a lot packed into that upper mid band frequency which is barely hanging on but the good news is that it does hang on, and you do get pretty much everything in a reasonably comfortable way. I welcomed this one, and the bonus is that taper recorded the opening act too, which is included here for completeness.
Soundboard 9.1 and Audience 8.5 - Beautifully mixed, with some tiny over-sizzle on crash cymbals at times, which seems to get worked out on the mix, but more problems with vocals getting distorted, mostly is the “ssss’s” which isn’t a deal breaker because the problems are not a large percentage of the music. The second show is an audience recording that sounds a little distant until the guitars begin and then it sounds practically right next to you! Strange.
Audience 8.5 - Taken from the master source, this high energy show reveals a band on the rise. Captured from the balcony, the sound is pretty much what came from the house P.A. system and is, as could be expected, insanely loud and therefore not clear and distinct but certainly forceful and once the ears adjust, is pretty realistic. Coming from a master source, it is free of tape noise and other artifacts. DVD - Shot on Hi8MM, the picture looks great! The angle is from the balcony, which was not that high or far from the stage so even though you are looking slightly down on top of the band, you see the entire stage and most of the audience on the floor without any interference. Camera occasionally zooms in, pans slightly, and at brief intervals goes slightly too high missing the front of the stage but I suppose that may have been due to the filmer trying to adjust.
Audience 8.1 - A shaky start to this recording, but it smooths out and becomes listenable with clear vocals that rise up and out of the depths. The interesting thing about this show is that Pete is nailing all his solos with precision, a rare thing to be honest. The band is in fine form, they even play “However Much I Booze” which was only done a handful of times on this tour.
Audience 8.3 - Do not let the “average” sound rating prevent you from selecting this AMAZING rarity. I could write paragraphs on why this is a must have for any self-respecting Priest fan, but suffice it to say that this is why I even collect live music. The details of the recording are but one small part of the equation, but I will note that the tape suffers from two main problems – it’s a little muffled and it’s a little hissy. There is also an unfortunate cut where the solo begins in Victim of Changes (could it not have happened on any other song?), I think this is the tape flip. The quality worsens a bit after that, but there’s also good news to report: The tape has been remastered, revealing much more music that was probably buried under muck and noise for decades. What you end up with is a very intense show, and an audience absolutely being blown to smithereens. I can imagine after having to deal with mediocre top 40 and disco music, new wave, etc. having a band like Judas Priest I mean, that had to be like a sledgehammer to the skull because let’s face it, for 1979 these guys were way heavy, and not in a punkish Motorhead heavy but a very competent, sinister kind of heavy. That does come through on this tape. Without a remastering it would have been tough to listen to it, but it’s actually not hurtful on the ears, the actual frequency range is comfortable, and there are times where it is even very decent. Overall it is simply one of those you really have to just get and appreciate for what it is because it quite simply is DEVASTATING.
Sale!Soundboard 9.8 - One of the best board tapes I have heard, I love where each instrument sits in this mix. It also helps that the gig is exceptional, therefore I must categorize this one as a must have.
Soundboard 9.7 - One of the most interesting concerts by Prince I have heard. It’s an after show gig, and Prince is cutting loose with some amazing guitar solos, to the point where it is hard to believe it is actually him playing. Certainly one to add to your collection, and one that will get frequent plays.