• Audience 9.0 - This rating is representing a lot more than strictly audio fidelity, because truth be told it’s more of an 8.7 for sound, but the show, and the crowd, and the atmosphere…simply incredible! It’s also important to note that this show is the last live recording of Bon Scott.
  • SDBRD 8.8 - A solid one, albeit there’s some tape hiss present, and vocals are a little muddied in the mix but it’s still a really good and anyone can appreciate.
  • Audience 8.4 - Tapers sitting kind of close it seems, and the recorder admirably managed to prevent too much over-saturation although there is a touch of it and the instrumentation gets cluttered up in the middle a bit at full volume. Overall this is simply a wonderful document of a band that seems to be very comfortable with the material (obviously) and firing on all cylinders.
  • Radio Broadcast 9.7 - Great job on the recording by the station.
  • Pro Studio 9.7 and SDBRD 9.4 - Only the cleanest and best source material is used in this set. I would recommend this as a good starting point for a 70’s era Jeff Beck collector.
  • Audience 8.4 - This is a recording that is hard to figure out because on the one hand it could also be taped in a television studio which is my hunch. The tapers and those around them can be heard between songs but settle down once the music starts, it kind of adds a lot to the atmosphere. That being said, this is still pretty good, and what a gig, really, I mean amazing!
  • Audience 8.2 - What does this tape offer?  Unequaled tension, suspense, musicianship, mood, and satisfaction. Is it the best quality?  No, but you can clearly hear every instrument, and I will take an 8.2 Crimson over 98% of anyone else in a heartbeat. This music is just brilliant and intense.
  • Pro Studio 9.2 - Minimalism never sounded so catastrophic! But it’s cool in a subversive kind of way.
  • SDBRD 9.2 - Must be in every fans collection but if it isn’t, go for it because it’s one of the best shows ever!  Disc two is also SDBRD but I rate it a solid 8.9 as it is not as crisp, but it’s still great stuff.
  • Audience 8.7 - Right in your face, loud and clear, which is appropriate for this hard hitting style of rock and roll.
  • Audience 9.0 - A very “present” recording, meaning the audio captured on this tape sounds remarkably realistic which is ideal for a live recording. Love it!
  • Pro Studio and Live 9.0 - Consistent, with some obvious age related issues present on some cuts but overall pretty much in the pocket.
  • Audience 7.7 - Ever wonder what the opening act was like?  OK, so this is a great example of that – a band that opened for Jethro Tull in 1970 and someone recorded them. Are they good?  They are very competent and it’s easy to see why they got the slot. The recording is kind of one-dimensional but sufficient to allow you to hear it all, with clarity, just not a lot of dynamics. This is probably the only existing live recording of them so it’s worth grabbing.
  • Audience 7.8 - The better between the two Paris 1977 shows in my opinion.
  • Audience 8.6 - This is a guitar-fest right here, the sound mix allows Jeff’s sound to cut through the bass which, if you have been collecting much BBA, you know bass is almost always WAY too loud!  Well, it is understandable I guess, but this show features a more democratic mix and you will REALLY enjoy it for that reason alone. Besides for that, it’s a good show, the band sounds like they might not be beating the shit out of each other backstage…ahem.
  • Audience 8.5 - Starts off a little funky as the taper gets in position but slowly develops into a very good and clear recording for the duration. The audience is golden, very respectful and this makes for a better overall experience too.


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