• Audience 8.7 - Amazing for such an earlier audience source. It does border on the ragged edge of breakup, but it’s so real, so close, so powerful, I mean you are literally there. Fantastic to my ears (some tape noise but it goes away when the band is cranking it).
  • Various sources SDBRD 9.0 Aud 8.6 - In order to present the entire concert, various sources had to be used but it’s well worth dealing with some level fluctuation because this is a smoking hot gig. The DVD presents the film that was shot of the entire festival, it is kind of dark and grainy in spots, other times it is nice and bright. Perhaps this is why it was never officially released?
  • Audience 8.6 - Good and clear recording, no distortion, sounds very center, punchy.
  • Audience 8.3 - Not that bad really, some hiss present but otherwise it’s worthy of your attention.
  • Audience 7.8 - Let me first say this: Why did this album get panned so harshly? I mean, even the band expressed some regret over it. Look, I get that Passion Play may not fit with the preconception of what Jethro Tull’s music is supposed to be, but at face value the music and playing is superior. The fault may have been the accompanying stage show, and maybe if I were to criticize one thing about the compositions would be that they relied a lot on overly dramatic minor key shifts way too often. However that stuff does not diminish the overall content and performance of a fine and unfairly panned album. This CD captures a complete performance of Passion Play in pretty good overall quality with some minor issues here and there. Fascinating!
  • Audience 9.0 - It takes a song or two for the tape to balance out to the ears but when it does you immediately sense how realistic a recording this is. I mean, this would have been exactly what your ears would have heard had you been there. Excellent!
  • Audience 7.8 - A somewhat distant sound, not as in stadium distant, but recording levels. It’s as if the center has dropped out from the mix, but what saves it is the fact that you can really turn up the volume and make up for some of that. The new re-mastering really has saved this tape; it is MUCH easier to listen to now. This is a RARE tape I am told, only surfacing recently.
  • Audience 8.6 and Audience 8.5 ... two shows are represented in this set, and both sound similar but the 2nd disc sounds maybe a touch more distant and less defined, but also less overloaded. Both sets are guitar-centric, so Page admirers are going to be good good with this set.
  • Audience 8.7 - Is it possible to be too good of a player? I mean, he’s clearly got mastery of the instrument, and the material, but there’s something about a player that gets too close to the edge that excites me, like Rory Gallagher for instance, you know, where it seems at any moment they might just completely take it to the ragged edge – and Joe has a very controlled fire in contrast which is fine, but I need more. Fans will love this performance, he’s clearly at the top here.
  • Both Excellent Radio Broadcasts 9.7
  • Audience 7.8 - A large hall sound, but cleanly captured. Kind of sounds like you are there – tons of atmosphere without boominess. Pleasant!
  • Audience 8.3 - An aged tape that still contains a very good frequency from low to high – maybe a touch on the thin side but overall this whole thing is very fun to listen to.
  • Pro FM Broadcast 8.8 - Sounds like the band is right at the top of their game, with Johnny inspired and ripping out one superb lead after another flawlessly.
  • Audience 9.2 - I rated this highly because even though the levels are hot there is no distortion and it’s a decent live mix with some atmosphere present too (you can distinguish the delay on the guitar and echo on vocals over all the intense action of the band which is a pleasant thing). It’s also a great gig!


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