Audience 8.8 - I rate this highly for the excellent atmosphere of the sound, where the vocals seem to just soar. It is not as thick in the mids where you want them, but that is why the vocals soar because they occupy a lot of the midrange and highs. Sometimes you also get a nice vibration of sound from the drums and all in all it adds tremendous intensity and excitement to the tape. Listen to Toccata and tell me I am wrong! This tape has a unique feel to it that I find very enjoyable. Another cool thing is that a lot of the problems with tape cuts have been fixed with crossfades making for a smoother listen…that includes the large section in Toccata which was unlistenable (unfortunately).
Audience 8.2 - A good sounding recording if you want to just know what is happening on stage and don’t mind a perfectly balanced mix, or crispness in the highs. Some breaking up at volume, where the intensity of this band is just too much for the tapers equipment. Still, I have to tell you, there is reward in this tape if you stick it out. Not saying it gets that much better, but I am saying this is one GREAT rock band! Just overwhelming intensity, and interesting compositions, it keeps you interested to hear what happens next.
Audience 8.0 - Very forceful and loud capture, some taper conversations present, but a very immediate live feeling as if this could have been taped a couple of years ago. Some high frequencies have a squelchiness to them, but when the band is all playing together the audio retains a more comfortable timbre. Overall this is pretty good stuff, and very heady music. I’ve heard people compare them to Pink Floyd, and to be honest I do hear that in some of their compositions, but that is not entirely accurate in describing them. Maybe if you said they were stylistically similar to PF but with a Deep Purplish ensemble approach to the sound, you would be closer.