• Aud 8.2 to 8.8 - The sound varies a little bit as the set progresses, mainly because it is a rotating stage and therefore sounds great when the stage is in front of the taper. The DVD is fascinating, a real treasure!
  • Aud 7.1 - Here’s an interesting situation, a marginal recording that is clear and audible. How can that be? It’s a transistor cassette deck recording, but the capture is centered, and the band is actually clear, just lo-fi. A recent remastering really brought out some of the music and to my ears lifted this tape out of “curiosity only” and into actual collectable status.
  • Aud 9.0 - One of THE BEST audience tapes yet to be officially released by Dagger. You just have to have this if you collect Jimi.
  • Aud 7.3 - Gets better, is loud but not too overloaded. Small club atmosphere, a real treasure of a ’68 show.
  • Pro Studio Quality 9.3 features Stephen Stills and other luminaries of the time. A nice artifact!
  • Various sources SDBRD 9.0 Aud 8.6 - In order to present the entire concert, various sources had to be used but it’s well worth dealing with some level fluctuation because this is a smoking hot gig. The DVD presents the film that was shot of the entire festival, it is kind of dark and grainy in spots, other times it is nice and bright. Perhaps this is why it was never officially released?
  • Aud 7.3 - Low levels, but surprisingly clear for this tour. You get this for the set list obviously as he played gems like Are You Experienced and Spanish Castle Magic. Disc two features the additional material from other venues and is very decent sound.
  • Aud 7.3 – 7.5  - This recording ranges due to the fact that it is a 3 source merge. When it is at a 7.5 or even higher, it is pretty good stuff, like Red House for instance really shines. The weaker parts of the show just lack some definition and clarity but you can hear everything on stage, with some atmosphere too. Overall it is a special show, you get that sense from the bands performance.
  • Disc 1 Philadelphia 1969 Aud 6.5 Pretty bad one, sound is distant and distorted due to Jimi’s insane volume and lack of taper knowledge of simple dynamics. Disc 2 Philadelphia 1970 aud 7.2 A relief to the ears after playing disc one of this set.
  • Aud 7.5 - A very decent and clear recording from perhaps a little further back in the hall than one would prefer, but guitar is prominent, then drums and bass with Jimi vocals a little bit behind the noise. Also, I am glad the sound has a little separation, enough to discern everything that is going on, so big plus there!
  • A mix of pro SDBRD and decent aud. The sdbrd is 9.5, the aud portion is 8.0 and taken from a vinyl source. There are a handful of tracks taken from a film audio source and those are great as well.
  • Aud 6.9  - A smoking hot show marred by sub par recording quality. That being said, collectors will want this due to the scarcity of live recordings during this part of the 1968 Tour (notwithstanding the excellent Ottawa show now legitimately released).
  • Aud 8.4 - A very good, clear tape for the time (includes Corn Exchange and Saville Theater 67 both excellent). Only problem is, the taper recorded less than 1 minute on almost every song except for a Red House. Kind of infuriating. (Red House is complete and smokes! It seems this was recorded by someone who interviewed Hendrix, so he probably just wanted small pieces to embellish his interview tape to be broadcast at his college station or something).
  • Aud 8.4 - Oh how I love this show!  Why?  It’s reasonably clear with only a bit of upper level distortion – but man, this just blows EVERYTHING away!  The set list for one, it’s got some little gems on it, and the playing – YUP – he’s killin’ it. What else?  Oh, a very intimate feel, just has a sort of immediate impact kind of sound. Mitch and Noel are spot on, Jimi feeds off of their energy as well as the audience. A MUST!
  • Studio Quality 9.7 Kind of a classic amongst the collectors due to its great song flow and high level playing and jamming.
  • Aud 6.9 - Not very good, but I think someone has mastered this nonetheless because a lot of the mid band muck is gone, and you can hear Jimi sing!  You get his guitar next in this mix, and at times the sun peaks from behind the clouds. I think, if you are a collector, this is of historical importance due to Jimi’s connection with the Southern blues.


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