Soundboard 8.9 -
It’s a very clean, good board but it features a heavy reverb sound, but it’s probably natural reverb. Still an interesting kind of atmospheric recording.
Audience 8.0 -
Crisp and loud mids/highs with a little lacking in bottom but very enjoyable nonetheless. The band sometimes sounds a little unsure, but the energy is great.
Incredible early collection featuring performances from 1976 taken from master tapes and never sounding better, and more complete. Simply the best Aerosmith early live collection ever produced.
Incredible early collection featuring performances from 1975 taken from master tapes and never sounding better, and more complete. Simply the best Aerosmith early live collection ever produced.
Incredible early collection featuring performances from 1974 taken from master tapes and never sounding better, and more complete. Simply the best Aerosmith early live collection ever produced.
Incredible early collection featuring performances from 1973 taken from master tapes and never sounding better, and more complete. Simply the best Aerosmith early live collection ever produced.
Audience 8.1 -
Small club sound, a little bit muffled but guitars, vocals and harmonica and even piano come through fine and all in all I think once your ears adjust you can enjoy this. A wild night of rock and roll for sure!
Audience 8.5 - 1st night ... What a treat! Really well recorded although not dynamically perfect. It is strong and very clear, and what a show it is! Get this!
Audience 8.6 -
A decent capture here, it sure sounds like a master source was used, there’s no tape noise at all and all the highs are perfectly intact.