Sale!Audience 8.7 - This is a radio broadcast that sounds very good with some minor signs of age and occasionally a dodgy mix in spots that get corrected quickly, at least. The band play pretty much every song that you remember most by them, the set list is thrilling.
Sale!Soundboard 9.8 - One of the best board tapes I have heard, I love where each instrument sits in this mix. It also helps that the gig is exceptional, therefore I must categorize this one as a must have.
Sale!Audience 9.0 - Ok, so here’s the deal with this one – skip past the first song because it’s toast, the levels were not set and the distortion is off the charts. After that the taper readjusts levels and off we go to a really nice, atmospheric and clear recording of a powerful show.
Sale!Audience 8.7 - This is from the Royal Albert Hall, so be prepared for a lot of atmospherics as the sound dances around almost right above your head. The music is very present though, so there’s no harm in having some ‘verb which is probably exactly how you would have received the sound at the venue anyway.
Sale!Audience 9.5 - When you listen to this, just keep in mind it is taped by someone in the audience…you won’t believe it. Great balance, superb low end, sweet middle band tone, lush and warm with the perfect amount of high end (no sizzle or annoying squeal or cymbal wash). Just terrific, and the band sounds great!
Sale!Audience 8.9 - Just the right amount of sonic clarity and separation of instruments with “live atmosphere” to make for a realistic listening experience. Sounds much like what you could have expected having been there. This was also the last show of the tour. Excellent!
Sale!Audience 8.9 - A really good, solid, and clear tape, showcases the considerable talent of Zappa and the always excellent cast of characters he assembles each tour. This show features a lot of solid horn work, and Zappa plays very nicely with a good tone. There were a couple songs I was unfamiliar with and enjoyed quite a bit. I rather like the song Rollo! Fun stuff.
Sale!Early and Late Shows - Soundboard 9.1 and Soundboard 8.6 - The late show board tape is slightly problematic in that vocals and to some extent the drums are really prominent in the mix but the rest is pushed back. Acoustic songs come through nicely, they bring up piano and acoustic guitar so you get everything more even. At times it gets a little better, it’s not bad it’s just not as good a mix as the early show.
Sale!Audience 8.6 - This recording straddles the fence a little. On the one hand, it’s got very defined highs and good overall acoustics but also a pretty rowdy audience that whoops and hollers (this is Texas after all). I can’t really blame them though, this is actually THE best Presto gig I have ever heard as far as the performance. Not all Rush shows are homogenous by the way. Listen to Alex rip on La Villa Strangiato for example. They are firing on all eight (with the lone exception being a marginal effort on the beginning of Xanadu).
Sale!Audience 8.9 - Taper sitting very close, and manages to get a great recording without distorting or invasive shouting and screaming into the mic during the songs (well, maybe at the beginning of some songs). A good one, an old fashioned in your face bootleg recording of the Stones!
Sale!Soundboard 9.5 - Of course it is immaculate. The way that Prince orchestrates his bands, the sound is so dialed in, I could not imagine a bad sounding Prince show. This is also a show with an amazing setlist, pretty much most of his more well known tunes.
Sale!Audience 7.7 - A distant recording, and some hiss present, but the music can be discerned. Not going to have a lot of dynamics, but for collectors out there, you can enjoy this one for what it is…and it continues to fill in the missing pieces of the Keith Moon years.
Sale!FM Broadcast 9.0 - Not sure what the master source is for this one, it could either be a cassette tape or an LP, either way the sound is very good but there’s a little bit of that typical kind of compression you got off FM broadcasts. Not a problem here, just that I notice it.
Sale!Audience 9.1 - The last of a four night stand in Paris, and probably the best of the recordings made. Strong, clear, and a nice warm mid tone, although not as atmospheric, meaning taper must have been close (and knew how to operate the recording levels!).