Sale!Audience 8.4 - Decent, maybe a little bit thin (needs more low end) but all highs are really there, so a bit of compression is not going to hurt this if someone wants to re-master it. A good one for the collection nonetheless.
Sale!Soundboard 9.4 - Great mix and solid punch in the center.
Sale!Soundboard 9.5 - A very good mix, if there’s any complain I can make it’s that I found the music slightly compressed in the mid frequencies but this is extreme nitpicking…just trying to find a blemish in an otherwise perfect recording I guess.
Sale!Rare footage shot with Sony open reel video system (CV-2000 tape format B/W). Entire performance spanning 2 discs (encoded for optimal quality). This comes from the 3/4" Umatic master tapes (CV-2000 reels transferred onto 3/4"). Quality is fair, poor lighting hampered the video shoot, but for historical purposes most fans will find this fascinating due to the exceptional performance of the band and Roky in particular.
Sale!Audience 9,6 and Audience 8.4 - The UK 78 material is fantastic! Vibrant and dynamic, should be released officially.
Sale!Soundboard 9.2 - Taken from a television broadcast, but to my ears does not sound all compressed and one dimensional, so my guess it is a source not derived from the broadcast but tape possibly made of the gig separate from the TV production. Who knows for sure, but it sounds pretty good.
Sale!Soundboard 8.8 - This tape does not feature the greatest mix ever, but it’s functional and is a good full show. Question: Was Lou Reed really well known in Australia? A guy from the barrio of New York City, but well known in Australia somehow?!?! I think that is strange, haha!