Audience 8.8 - I rate this highly for the excellent atmosphere of the sound, where the vocals seem to just soar. It is not as thick in the mids where you want them, but that is why the vocals soar because they occupy a lot of the midrange and highs. Sometimes you also get a nice vibration of sound from the drums and all in all it adds tremendous intensity and excitement to the tape. Listen to Toccata and tell me I am wrong! This tape has a unique feel to it that I find very enjoyable. Another cool thing is that a lot of the problems with tape cuts have been fixed with crossfades making for a smoother listen…that includes the large section in Toccata which was unlistenable (unfortunately).
Audience 8.6 - A touch on the thin side maybe, and sounds from somewhere in the middle of the venue so you do get more of the atmosphere. There is a lot of crowd excitement and participation. Guitar sound terrific actually, cutting through everything right to the ears in a good way, adding to the excitement. Dweezil sounds great and absolutely shreds this gig.
Audience 8.8 - This is a strange recording because at first it may seem as though it is a board tape because there’s virtually no audience noise at all. Closer examination reveals that it is more likely an open mic placed right up on the stage or close to the mains. It is a little hot, meaning the levels are near max, but thankfully it only comes to the bleeding edge and does not fall off the cliff. A pretty darn exciting tape!