• Audience 8.5 - The better of the Japan shows. Clear, in your face, average separation of instruments but Eddie in great form and can hear every note.
  • Audience 8.2 - This is a very in demand show from this tour. Why? Because it is perhaps the best audience recording from 1984, but it is not perfect, it just has more great qualities than bad. I think the only knock is the absence of bottom end, but that is what an Equalizer is for. Get this and have fun!
  • Audience 8.6 - Slight tape saturation. Eddie is front and center and is SMOKING hot. I love DLR in the first song forgetting the words and turning it into a lyric. Classic VH in every way.
  • Audience 7.8 - Stadium sound all the way. Boomy and loud and CRAZY audience but damn, it’s hard not to love it. The good news here is the drums are defined and not just a sloppy boomy mess, the guitar slices through the mud and lands on your ears in the right spot, then Dave yelps, and does his thing. The end of Hot For Teacher when the drum solo starts the whole place goes bananas.
  • Audience 7.8 - I can handle an average audience tape as long as the guitar is clear, and this one thankfully showcases guitar in the mix and man, I am glad because he is TEARING it up here! At times even the mix gets really good and clear, like the taper is maneuvering for better position so this is a strong 7.8.
  • Audience/Soundboard - The Houston Music Hall tape is a 7.1 quality Audience. but it is a first generation and therefore does represent the best possible source of the concert that kicked off their 1979 tour. The bonus material is all Soundboard including the Bradford, UK. which does rate a solid 8.8 with signs of age, the US festival portion rates 9.7 being from a pristine condition transcription disc.
  • Audience 8.4 - I expected more from a post 2000 audience recording, but this one is decend just seems to be toward the back of the hall. You do get all instruments, and mixed properly, with pretty much Eddie and DLR being the clearest and out front. Solos sound good as they seem to swirl around the room giving it a cool atmosphere. The show does seem to get better as it goes, might even boost the rating another .3 for the slight improvement.
  • Audience 7.4 - Pretty average recording of a rare gig not seldom traded. The good news for collectors is that it has been remastered to reveal more in the tape (more music that is). It’s just really loud, and it distorts, you have to appreciate that it was recorded at all, now that we know just how scarce these early 80’s recordings are. On the plus side, there are moments where it is much clearer - like the guitar solo and mellower parts. I would recommend this to the collector who focuses on classic DLR era Halen, to have the best version wrapped up in eye-popping packaging. This show is complete, every second captured for posterity.
  • Audience 8.7 - Some harshness on the cymbals, but I’d rather have those highs intact because it is easier to round off than try and crank them up if they don’t exist.
  • Pro Soundboard 9.1 - Recorded for broadcast in a studio setting so you know it is going to be really good. Tape is just a touch “aged” in that it is not as bright as you would expect but still darn good.
  • Audience 7.9 - A loud, and immediate sounding tape, almost as if it was recorded yesterday. Really has that vibe, like you can’t believe it was 1978.
  • CD 1 - Alkmaar - Soundboard 8.8  /  CD 2 - Ashington - Audience 8.0
  • London - Pro 9.0  (BBC)  /  NY - Audience 6.3
  • Audience 8.1 - Some of the bite is removed on this recording. The highs are leveled off completely it seems. I mean, the sound is all there, if a touch centered in the mids, but you will find yourself wishing for the crash and dazzle. Still, it is listenable and worthy.


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