Sale!All Studio and/or pro live. Most of it is excellent quality, very little I would say is less than excellent. Interesting how it was compiled though, the producers opted to chronologically list the tracks according to their release date, not by actual performance date. That makes for an interesting listen. DISCLAIMER – to preserve the look of the original 6 volume set, I had to use materials available to me which were a little below the usual high standards we maintain with Wolfpodscd releases. Consequently, for anyone who purchases the complete set (at a huge discount), you will get a printed track sheet covering all volumes.
Sale!All Studio and/or pro live. Most of it is excellent quality, very little I would say is less than excellent. Interesting how it was compiled though, the producers opted to chronologically list the tracks according to their release date, not by actual performance date. That makes for an interesting listen. DISCLAIMER – to preserve the look of the original 6 volume set, I had to use materials available to me which were a little below the usual high standards we maintain with Wolfpodscd releases. Your purchase includes a print out of the track listing for the complete set.
Audience 9.1 - A concert recording that defines the term “immersive”. So, you are basically transported back in time and placed into a seat pretty close to the stage, sitting next to a couple of enterprising tapers. The audience is a part of this experience, it’s open, vibrant, clear, and dynamic and you are right in the middle of it all. Dang, you really should dive into this one if you do not have it.
Audience 8.3 - A tape that one must admire for sheer effort, capturing an entire performance of what had to be an enormous venue filled with screaming people…not the best environment to do field recordings! The music, however, is here, in average fidelity but not obscuring the excellent performance given by the band. Band: Queen Title: Vienna Waltz Date:May 2, 1978 Venue: Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria Disc 1 1.We Will Rock You (slow/fast) 2.Brighton Rock 3.Somebody To Love 4.Death On Two Legs 5.Killer Queen 6.Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 7.I'm In Love With My Car 8.Get Down, Make Love 9.The Millionaire Waltz 10.You're My Best Friend 11.Spread Your Wings 12.It's Late 13.Now I'm Here 14.Love Of My Life Disc 2 1.'39 2.My Melancholy Blues 3.White Man 4.The Prophet's Song incl. Guitar Solo 5.Stone Cold Crazy 6.Bohemian Rhapsody 7.Keep Yourself Alive 8.Tie Your Mother Down 9.We Will Rock You 10.We Are The Champions 11.Sheer Heart Attack 12.Jailhouse Rock 13.God Save The Queen
Soundboard 9.7 - This is the one to get if you want to hear this band at arguably the peak of their powers. Sounding like a flashier, somewhat more progressive version of Iron Maiden to these ears, but whoa nelly there is a whole lot of premium quality musicianship happening and it is happening in fantastic quality. Most recording of busy, progressive metal groups simply have a hard time mixing the different instruments in such a way as to deliver the punch without over-killing it and destroying the integrity of the sound. This recording is brilliant because it doesn’t do that, and I honestly have never heard live early Queensyche in this manner before and it is a thrill, it’s a MUST have if you have even a passing interest. Queensryche Harpos Detroit, MI, USA 8th December 1984 1. Intro 2. Nightrider 3. Prophecy 4. Deliverance 5. NM 156 6. Child Of Fire 7. Before The Storm 8. Guitar Solo 9. Blinded 10. The Lady Wore Black 11. En Force 12. Roads To Madness 13. Warning 14. Queen Of The Reich 15. Take Hold Of The Flame 01 The National Anthem (Verona) 02 Morning Bell (Dublin) 03 I Might Be Wrong (Jersey City #2) 04 Dollars & Cents (Verona) 05 You And Whose Army? (Nijmegen) 06 Optimistic (Dublin) 07 In Limbo (Adenau) 08 Packt Like Sardines (Vaison la Romaine) 09 Knives Out (Hollywood) 10 Pyramid Song (Jersey City #2) 11 Kid A (Berlin) 12 Idioteque (London) 13 Everything In Its Right Place (Atlanta) 14 How To Disappear Completely (Jersey City #1) 15 Motion Picture Soundtrack (Dublin) BONUS TRACKS: 16 The Thief (Warrington) 17 Cinnamon Girl (Paris) SOURCES 2000-07-04 Berlin, DE - Großer Sendesaal des SFB (Pro-Recorded Promo) 2000-09-16 Nijmegen, NL - Goffertpark (Broadcast) 2000-09-24 London, UK - Victoria Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2000-10-02 Warrington, UK - Victoria Park (Broadcast) 2000-10-07 Dublin, IE - Punchestown Race Course (Pro-Recorded Promo) 2001-04-28 Paris, FR - Studio Canal+ (Broadcast) 2001-05-28 Vaison La Romaine, FR - Theatre Antique d'Vaison (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-05-30 Verona, IT - Verona Arena (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-06-01 Adenau, DE - Nürburgring (Broadcast) 2001-07-30 Atlanta, GA - Stone Mountain Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-16 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-17 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-20 Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl (Soundboard/Audience Matrix)
London Audience 8.7 - A decent recording that remains consistent throughout. Everything comes through, albeit not with a lot of detailed anything, just good overall clarity and decent mix. I would commend the taper because I know he had to have battled with the Hammersmith Odeon acoustics, loud audience, louder band, and consumer grade gear and yet still managed a good capture. Brussels Audience 8.9 - This is a strong recording and finds the band performing at a very high level. Good sound balance, and though you get a sense of the sheer volume, it does not stress the tape. Queensryche Europe 1984 Disc 1 Hammersmith Odeon London, England 10/4/84 01. Nightrider 02. Prophecy 03. Deliverance 04. NM 156 05. En Force 06. Before The Storm 07. Guitar Solo 08. Blinded 09. Warning 10. Take Hold Of The Flame 11. Queen Of The Reich Disc 2 Vorst Nationaal, Brussels, Belgium 1984-10-19 01. Nightrider 02. Prophecy 03. Deliverance 04. NM 156 05. En Force 06. Before The Storm 07. Guitar Solo 08. Blinded 09. The Lady Wore Black 10. Warning 11. Take Hold Of The Flame 12. Queen Of The Reich Lineup Geoff Tate - vocals Chris DeGarmo - guitars Michael Wilton - guitars Eddie Jackson - bass Scott Rockenfield - drums
Soundboard 9.3 - Listen to the beginnings of something happening, you can feel it about to take off. It’s a bunch of free-thinking kids who’ve smoked a little something, maybe popped a few little somethings…and then whaddya know the blues and folk and country and all kinds of music you grew up with sounds a whole lot better if you amp it up and throw some wild licks here and there…maybe let the sound feedback some…the birth of the San Francisco sound of the 60’s. Some minor bumps and bruises with the old tape but it also sounds like it’s right in your living room so the minor hiccups don’t even phase you. Quicksilver Messsenger Service Matrix Coffeehouse San Francisco, California 1966-08 01. -Little Dandelion 02. -All Night Worker 03. -Hoochie Coochie Man 04. -Duncan & Brady 05. -Pride Of Man 06. -You Don't Love Me 07. -Dino's Song 08. -Hair Like Sunshine 09. -Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 10. -Mona 11. -Got My Mojo Working 12. -Remember Me 13. -I Hear You Knocking 14. -Runaway 15. -Smokestack Lightning 16. -Suzie-Q 17. -You Don't Love Me 18. -Dino's Song 19. -Hair Like Sunshine
Soundboard 9.6 - All excellent soundboard recordings and sourced from first generation cassette masters. Explore this wonderful and important originator of West Coast psychedelic rock. Quicksilver Messenger Service West Coast Live 1967-1970 Disc 1 Winterland, San Francisco, CA 1967-12-31 (Sunday) 1. -Instrumental 2. -Pride of Man 3. -Who Do You Love 4. -If You Live 5. -Too Long 6. -Smokestack Lightning 7. -Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 8. -Gold & Silver 9. -Dino's Song 10. -Back Door Man 11. -Mona Disc 2 01. -The Final Jam (Winterland 1967 cont'd) Fillmore East, New York, NY June 7,1968 02 -Smokestack Lightning 03 -Codine 04 -Light Your Windows 05 -Who Do You Love 06 -The Fool Disc 3 Fillmore East, New York, NY June 8,1968 01 -Pride Of Man 02 -If You Live 03 -Dino's Song 04 -Backdoor Man 05 -Acapulco Gold And Silver 06 -Mona Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA 18 June 1970 07 -Edward, The Mad Shirt Grinder 08 -It's Yours (Take It) 09 -10 After 2 Jam John Cipollina - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass Nicky Hopkins - piano Greg Elmore - drums
Audience 9.3 - Killer tape this one is…and it makes you wonder if this taper did any other bands. That may well be your first thought if you are a collector. This is just a damn good tape. R.E.O. Speedwagon Tarrant County Convention Center Fort Worth, TX 1976-05-23 01. -Introduction 02. -Let Me Ride 03. -How The Story Goes 04. -Like You Do 05. -Keep Pushin' 06. -Son Of A Poor Man 07. -Golden Country 08. -Flying Turkey Trot 09. -I Believe My Time Is Gonna Come 10. -Ridin' The Storm Out
Soundboard 9.6 - This is a live soundboard compilation of songs from Kid A and Amnesiac, taken from the 2000 and 2001 tours. The songs are sourced from broadcasts, internal promos and individual tracks that Thom gifted to a fan and is just the kind of thing if you want to discover what this band was about before you dive into the deep end of the pool. A very very well thought out release. Note: Thom's recordings were raw soundboard feeds that have been matrixed with audience recordings to provide more atmosphere and to blend with the rest of the tracks. 01 The National Anthem (Verona) 02 Morning Bell (Dublin) 03 I Might Be Wrong (Jersey City #2) 04 Dollars & Cents (Verona) 05 You And Whose Army? (Nijmegen) 06 Optimistic (Dublin) 07 In Limbo (Adenau) 08 Packt Like Sardines (Vaison la Romaine) 09 Knives Out (Hollywood) 10 Pyramid Song (Jersey City #2) 11 Kid A (Berlin) 12 Idioteque (London) 13 Everything In Its Right Place (Atlanta) 14 How To Disappear Completely (Jersey City #1) 15 Motion Picture Soundtrack (Dublin) BONUS TRACKS: 16 The Thief (Warrington) 17 Cinnamon Girl (Paris) SOURCES 2000-07-04 Berlin, DE - Großer Sendesaal des SFB (Pro-Recorded Promo) 2000-09-16 Nijmegen, NL - Goffertpark (Broadcast) 2000-09-24 London, UK - Victoria Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2000-10-02 Warrington, UK - Victoria Park (Broadcast) 2000-10-07 Dublin, IE - Punchestown Race Course (Pro-Recorded Promo) 2001-04-28 Paris, FR - Studio Canal+ (Broadcast) 2001-05-28 Vaison La Romaine, FR - Theatre Antique d'Vaison (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-05-30 Verona, IT - Verona Arena (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-06-01 Adenau, DE - Nürburgring (Broadcast) 2001-07-30 Atlanta, GA - Stone Mountain Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-16 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-17 Jersey City, NJ - Liberty State Park (Soundboard/Audience Matrix) 2001-08-20 Hollywood, CA - Hollywood Bowl (Soundboard/Audience Matrix)
Soundboard 8.9 - There is no problem with the audio fidelity of this title, it sounds great – but that is not to say there is not a problem with it. So, it’s basically like this: If you want to hear what Radiohead themselves consider their biggest ever gig, than you will have to deal with what sounds like a quadraphonic recording in stereo…which basically means you get an in/out phasing effect almost throughout the entire show. Is that a deal-breaker? It might be, then again it’s not a muddy audience tape it is a very good board so the negative effects are not nearly as horrible as they could be. Radiohead 1993-04-02 Tel Aviv, Israel 01 - You 02 - Prove Yourself 03 - Ripcord 04 - Vegetable 05 - Faithless, The Wonder Boy 06 - Creep 07 - How Do You 08 - Stop Whispering 09 - Lurgee 10 - Million Dollar Question 11 - Anyone Can Play Guitar 12 - Pop Is Dead 13 - Thinking About You 14 - Killer Cars 15 - Banana Co. 16 - The Bends 17 - Blow Out 18 - Creep 19 - Rhinestone Cowboy
All 9 Discs EXCELLENT audio! Multiple source material all consistently great, a super satisfying set this one is surely not to pass up. RADIOHEAD The COLLECTION (1990-2012) ----------- DISC ONE (1990-1994) [79:49] ============================ 01 The Greatest Shindig [On A Friday demo, Summer 1990] 02 How Can You Be Sure? [On A Friday demo, Summer 1990] 03 Upside Down [On A Friday demo, Summer 1990] 04 What Is That You See? [On A Friday demo, Summer 1990] 05 Nothing Touches Me [Manic Hedgehog demo, 10-1991] 06 Phillipa Chicken [Manic Hedgehog demo, 10-1991] 07 Million Dollar Question [Huddersfield, 11-11-1992] 08 You [Colchester, 11-14-1992] 09 Creep [Colchester, 11-14-1992] 10 Rhinestone Cowboy [Black Session, Paris, 2-23-1993] 11 Stop Whispering [Black Session, Paris, 2-23-1993] 12 Yes I Am [On The Edge, NYC, 6-1993] 13 Banana Co. [On The Edge, NYC, 6-1993] 14 Vegetable [Haarlem, 5-5-1993] 15 Anyone Can Play Guitar [Haarlem, 5-5-1993] 16 Lurgee [Göteborg, 6-4-1993] 17 Ripcord [Göteborg, 6-4-1993] 18 The Bends [Courtyard Studios Demo, 3-1993] 19 Black Star [Roskilde backstage, 7-2-1994] 20 Just [Roskilde, 7-2-1994] 21 Maquiladora [Glastonbury, 6-26-1994] 22 Blow Out [Glastonbury, 6-26-1994] DISC TWO (1994-1996) [78:40] ============================ 01 Street Spirit (Fade Out) [GLR Session, London, 5-1994] 02 Union City Blue [Black Session, Paris, 2-21-1995] 03 Subterranean Homesick Alien [VPRO-FM, Hilversum, 4-21-1995] 04 How Can You Be Sure? [Sapporo, 6-27-1995] 05 Fake Plastic Trees [Lowlands, Biddinghuizen, 8-27-1995] 06 The Bends [Milton Keynes, 7-30-1995] 07 Planet Telex [Cambridge, 11-6-1995] 08 Bishops Robes [Cambridge, 11-6-1995] 09 My Iron Lung [Cambridge, 11-6-1995] 10 Bones [Stockholm, 12-1-1995] 11 Lucky [Stockholm, 12-1-1995] 12 Black Star [Stockholm, 12-1-1995] 13 Nice Dream [Pinkpop, Landgraaf, 5-27-1996] 14 Airbag [XFM, London, 10-28-1995] 15 Killer Cars [CBC-FM, Vancouver, 3-22-1996] 16 Bulletproof (I Wish I Was) [Boston, 4-13-1996] 17 High & Dry [KROQ-FM, Los Angeles, 3-29-1996] 18 Lift [Pinkpop, Landgraaf, 5-27-1996] 19 I Promise [Los Angeles, 3-29-1996] 20 Nobody Does It Better [Los Angeles, 12-18-1995] DISC THREE (1997-1998) [78:00] ============================== 01 Airbag [Utrecht, 6-24-1997] 02 Talk Show Host [BBC-FM, London, 5-28-1997] 03 Exit Music (For A Film) [Irvine, 6-14-1997] 04 Paranoid Android [BBC-FM, London, 5-28-1997] 05 Climbing Up The Walls [Glastonbury, 6-28-1997] 06 The Tourist [Glastonbury, 6-28-1997] 07 Electioneering [Tonight Show, Los Angeles, 7-25-1997] 08 Karma Police [Studio Canal+, Paris, 9-15-1997] 09 Subterranean Homesick Alien [New York City, 12-19-1997] 10 Let Down [New York City, 12-19-1997] 11 Street Spirit (Fade Out) [New York City, 12-19-1997] 12 Motion Picture Soundtrack [New York City, 8-26-1997] 13 The Trickster [San Francisco, 4-2-1998] 14 Nude [San Francisco, 4-2-1998] 15 Polyethylene (Part 2) [New York City, 4-18-1998] 16 How To Disappear Completely [New York City, 4-18-1998] DISC FOUR (2000-2001) [77:30] ============================= 01 Optimistic [Berlin, 7-4-2000] 02 Morning Bell [Nijmegen, 9-16-2000] 03 Knives Out [Nijmegen, 9-16-2000] 04 Permanent Daylight [Warrington, 10-2-2000] 05 The Thief [Warrington, 10-2-2000] 06 In Limbo [Warrington, 10-2-2000] 07 The National Anthem [Saturday Night Live, NYC, 10-14-2000] 08 Idioteque [Kildare, 10-8-2000] 09 How To Disappear Completely [Kildare, 10-8-2000] 10 Cinnamon Girl [Studio Canal+, Paris, 4-28-2001] 11 I Might Be Wrong [Rock im Park, Nurnberg, 6-2-2001] 12 Pyramid Song [Rock im Park, Nurnberg, 6-2-2001] 13 Dollars & Cents [Rock am Ring, Adenau, 6-1-2001] 14 Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses [George, 6-23-2001] 15 Everything In Its Right Place [Nijmegen, 9-16-2000] 16 True Love Waits [Santa Barbara, 6-30-2001] DISC FIVE (2002-2003) [77:23] ============================= 01 There There [London, 5-25-2003] 02 Scatterbrain [Mansfield, 8-13-2003] 03 Sit Down, Stand Up [New York City, 6-5-2003] 04 The Gloaming [London, 11-26-2003] 05 2+2=5 [Late Night w/ David Letterman, NYC, 10-17-2003] 06 Where I End And You Begin [Belfort, 7-4-2003] 07 Go To Sleep [MusiquePlus, Montreal, 6-2-2003] 08 Morning Mr. Magpie [Oxfordshire Studio, 12-18-2002] 09 Fog [BBC-FM, London, 12-9-2003] 10 I Will [KCRW Session, NYC, 6-4-2003] 11 Like Spinning Plates [Mansfield, 8-13-2003] 12 Up On The Ladder [Salamanca, 8-7-2002] 13 Lift [Lisbon, 7-22-2002] 14 Big Boots [Salamanca, 8-7-2002] 15 Punch-Up At A Wedding [San Francisco, 9-22-2003] 16 Follow Me Around [KROQ-FM, Los Angeles, 9-29-2003] 17 We Suck Young Blood [London, 11-27-2003] 18 Wolf At The Door [London, 11-26-2003] 19 On The Beach [BBC-FM, London, 12-22-2003] 20 Sail To The Moon [Le Réservoir, Paris, 7-3-2003] DISC SIX (2006-2009) [79:23] ============================ 01 Spooks [Toronto, 6-8-2006] 02 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi [Oxfordshire Studio, 12-2007] 03 Bodysnatchers [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-17-2006] 04 House Of Cards [Evening Concert, BBC-FM, 4-1-2008] 05 Bangers & Mash [Avenches, 8-15-2006] 06 Down Is The New Up [Avenches, 8-15-2006] 07 15 Step [Grammys, Los Angeles, 2-8-2009] 08 All I Need [Afternoon Concert, BBC-FM, 4-1-2008] 09 4 Minute Warning [Boston, 6-4-2006] 10 Jigsaw Falling Into Place [Saitama, 10-5-2008] 11 Videotape [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-17-2006] 12 No Surprises [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-17-2006] 13 Go Slowly [Berkeley, 6-24-2006] 14 These Are My Twisted Words [Praha, 8-23-2009] 15 I Want None Of This [Public Radio, Chicago, 6-18-2006] 16 Faust Arp [Chicago, 8-1-2008] 17 Up On The Ladder [London, 1-16-2008] 18 Reckoner [BBC-FM, London, 1-26-2008] 19 Everything In Its Right Place [BBC-FM, London, 1-26-2008] 20 Nude [Jonathan Ross Show, London, 4-3-2008] DISC SEVEN (2011-2012) [76:04] ============================== 01 Lotus Flower [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-8-2012] 02 Kid A [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-8-2012] 03 Morning Mr. Magpie [Coachella, Indio, 4-14-2012] 04 Bloom [Coachella, Indio, 4-14-2012] 05 The Daily Mail [Colbert Report, NYC, 9-26-2011] 06 Little By Little [Colbert Report, NYC, 9-26-2011] 07 Separator [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-8-2012] 08 Codex [New York City, 9-29-2011] 09 Supercollider [New York City, 9-29-2011] 10 The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy [Austin City Limits, 3-6-2012] 11 Staircase [Austin City Limits, 3-6-2012] 12 Identikit [Austin City Limits, 3-6-2012] 13 Cut A Hole [Houston, 3-3-2012] 14 Ful Stop [Berlin, 9-30-2012] 15 Myxomatosis [New York City, 9-29-2011] 16 Feral [New York City, 9-29-2011] 17 Give Up The Ghost [Jimmy Fallon Show, NYC, 9-23-2011] DISC EIGHT (Leftovers & Oddities) [78:06] ========================================= 01 You [Manic Hedgehog demo, 10-1991] 02 Stupid Car [Signal Radio, Stockport, 2-11-1993] 03 Permanent Daylight [Göteborg, 6-4-1993] 04 Faithless, The Wonder Boy [Los Angeles, 7-12-1993] 05 Sulk [Shinjuku, 6-24-1995] 06 Paranoid Android [Hershey, 8-26-1996] 07 Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box [Rock am Ring, Adenau, 6-1-2001] 08 Pearly* [Boston, 8-14-2001] 09 I Froze Up [Oxfordshire Studio, 12-18-2002] 10 Backdrifts [London, 11-27-2003] 11 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi [Orchestral Version, London, 3-27-2005] 12 Last Flowers [London, 4-15-2005] 13 You And Whose Army? [Bonnaroo, 6-17-2006] 14 Cymbal Rush [KCRW-FM, Los Angeles, 6-2006] 15 Headmaster Ritual [Oxfordshire Studio, 11-9-2007] 16 Ceremony [Oxfordshire Studio, 11-9-2007] 17 Unravel [Oxfordshire Studio, 11-9-2007] 18 Skirting On The Surface [Austin City Limits, 3-6-2012] 19 The Present Tense [Latitude Festival, Blythburgh, 7-19-2009] DISC NINE (Live Favorites) [79:43] ================================== 01 15 Step [Lollapalooza, Chicago, 8-1-2008] 02 There There [Reading Festival, 8-30-2009] 03 Airbag [Evening Concert, BBC-FM, 4-1-2008] 04 Planet Telex [Nijmegen, 9-16-2000] 05 Lucky [Nijmegen, 9-16-2000] 06 The National Anthem [Bonnaroo, Manchester, 6-17-2006] 07 Subterranean Homesick Alien [New York, 9-29-2011] 08 Bodysnatchers [Evening Concert, BBC-FM, 4-1-2008] 09 Karma Police [Pinkpop, Landgraaf, 6-4-2001] 10 Talk Show Host [Belfort, 7-4-2003] 11 Fake Plastic Trees [Jonathan Ross Show, London, 5-29-2003] 12 Paranoid Android [Warrington, 10-2-2000] 13 Idioteque [Austin City Limits, 3-6-2012] 14 Reckoner [Saitama, 10-5-2008] 15 You [Utrecht, 6-24-1997] 16 Street Spirit (Fade Out) [Rock am Ring, Adenau, 6-1-2001] 17 Creep [London, 11-27-2003]