• Audience 8.3 - A pretty clear recording that would benefit from some boosting here and there but that’s not to say you can’t just crank this one up a little. Very worthwhile!
  • Audience 8.3 -  Do not let the “average” sound rating prevent you from selecting this AMAZING rarity. I could write paragraphs on why this is a must have for any self-respecting Priest fan, but suffice it to say that this is why I even collect live music. The details of the recording are but one small part of the equation, but I will note that the tape suffers from two main problems – it’s a little muffled and it’s a little hissy.  There is also an unfortunate cut where the solo begins in Victim of Changes (could it not have happened on any other song?), I think this is the tape flip. The quality worsens a bit after that, but there’s also good news to report: The tape has been remastered, revealing much more music that was probably buried under muck and noise for decades. What you end up with is a very intense show, and an audience absolutely being blown to smithereens. I can imagine after having to deal with mediocre top 40 and disco music, new wave, etc. having a band like Judas Priest I mean, that had to be like a sledgehammer to the skull because let’s face it, for 1979 these guys were way heavy, and not in a punkish Motorhead heavy but a very competent, sinister kind of heavy. That does come through on this tape.  Without a remastering it would have been tough to listen to it, but it’s actually not hurtful on the ears, the actual frequency range is comfortable, and there are times where it is even very decent. Overall it is simply one of those you really have to just get and appreciate for what it is because it quite simply is DEVASTATING.
  • Audience 8.4 - This is the August ’72 show and the sound is pretty decent with clarity, average depth and dynamics but regardless it’s a very enjoyable listen. Perhaps it could be said this is one of the better ’72 tapes in circulation.
  • Audience 8.9 - A very bright and lively recording with plenty of electric atmosphere. The band is “tight but loose” and quite frankly I don’t hear the weariness in Steven Tyler at all, in fact the whole band seems very comfortable here. A really really good one!
  • Audience 8.1 - A tape new to circulation and it is decent sounding. It has some force behind it, although lacks some definition but with only a very few ’73 era Barnstorm tapes out there, this is a most welcome find.
  • Audience 8.7 - a good recording with some signs of age, and a minor buzz that occurs only occasionally which is not related to the stage sound. Thankfully it’s not prominent during the actual music. The show itself is very tight, Beck is in good form. Very worthwhile!
  • Audience 8.8 - One of those recordings where the taper must be right in front of the house P.A. system but he knows how to adjust the levels and so gets a super high energy recording with minimal audience interference. This is one that just goes right to your brain, it’s super exciting and heavy!
  • Audience 8.6 - A gem of a show, and a recording that thankfully is pretty decent although it does highlight Halford at the expense of the rest of the band. That actually works well here because Rob is just killing it, hitting every high note and wowing the audience. The musicianship is as always a cut above the rest, hence the reason this band lives on to this day. A keeper!
  • FM Broadcast 9.2 - A professionally recorded and mixed production that does not seem to have much in the way of compression so it has a good spaciousness to it, it is crankable.
  • Audience 8.6 - A “crisp” sounding tape, emphasis on drummer and vocals in the mix but you also can really hear the background keys which is nice. Not saying Joe is buried, just that this house mix seems very democratic in allowing all players to have a presence. I appreciate hearing how much the piano and keys helped shape this material. The audience is very respectful, and they love their Joe, that’s for sure.
  • Audience 8.5 - A real surprise this old tape, it sounds pretty darn good! The sound is warm, rounded, and has great atmosphere without losing the immediate punch of the music.  Even at full tilt volume, the tape manages to hang together and not get overly saturated. Good job early tapers!
  • Audience 8.4 - Not super dynamic but pretty clear, a decent ’74 tape where you can hear and enjoy everything (including the crowd) quite clearly but without a wide palate of audio spectrum. Not saying it is thin, not saying it is one-dimensional either, just that from highs to lows you aren’t going to have much depth although you can EQ and probably adjust to your specific needs. A good tape.
  • Audience 8.8 - Another great tape made by someone obviously knowing what they were doing. There are a couple of cuts here and there, not deal breakers by any means but full disclosure. Anyway, a solid, in the pocket recording of a sizzling gig with great interplay between Jobson and Beck.
  • Audience 8.6 - A great job by taper to get center mic placement and not too distant from the stage. Good presence, good atmosphere, good tight show.
  • Soundboard 9.3 - Wonderful guitar tone is the highlight here, the magical guitar interplay throughout. Seriously, it’s as if Lou’s delivery is just a setup for the band to do their thing. One of the best I have heard, right here.
  • Soundboard 8.8 - A great time period for the band, a fantastic set list has been worked up and the playing is more adventurous now, with some good inspired guitar work throughout.


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