Audience 6.9 - Well, here's the rub: Great band, great time (1971), great place (Bern, Switzerland), but not great recording. I mean, what you really need anyway is the guitar here, and at least you get some of that! The problem is mainly a lo-fi experience but to be fair to this capture you do hear it all on stage. I am too harsh really, I think if you just give it a chance it gets better to your ears. I mean, it's TOAD man! How many live recordings are there? Two? Whatever it is this is still essential.
Audience 7.3 - A rough document that reminds me a little bit of the Boston 1969 tape. There’s a lot of inherent noise within the bandwidth of the poor old analog tape trying to capture the sheer power of the Who in 1969, but you know it does manage to get enough that you can adjust and start to get into it. It’s raucous, yup, but so was the band!
Audience 8.9 - A fine recording that seems to originate from John’s side of the stage because guitar, while there, is kind of behind the action which allows you to pay attention to the bass work, and really will surprise you just how much of a second guitar that bass was at times. I also like the slight change of "Can’t Explain" they do here – this is a great show. This is also a very good recording so get it!