Audience 8.8 - Actually a very good recording but levels are low so turn it up. Once you crank the volume, you will be satisfied to hear that this is a tight and punchy recording.
Audience 7.7 - A little crowded but at times it clears up a bit, it’s actually pretty decent and Jeff is very much up front in this one. Well worth getting.
Audience 8.1 - This is the new remastered version that does improve upon a decent audience tape. Some tape noise was removed, and mid-high band was enhanced with good results. A good one to have, it’s pretty good.
Audience 8.7 - An explosive concert, totally off the chain here. Quality is solid, for the time period especially – a very immediate punch, very lively, lacking all the niceties for sure but you won’t care, believe me.
Audience 7.0 - Compressed, all squeezed up in the center…problem is there is just so precious few 1972 recordings and many consider this period to be very important in Beck’s career.
Audience 8.3 - Spectacular for such a primitive audience recording
Audience 8.5 - Another early gem of a recording. Both have some roughness to them but they shine considering the age. A must!
Audience 8.5 - Stomping show by Jeff, as you know he could be quite erratic but I think he nails it here. Good clear sound although not hi fi by any means. Add Equalizer, add low end, but it’s a good clear sound.
Audience 8.4 - A pretty loud recording, and not super defined but it’s VERY good nonetheless and well worth hearing. It certainly has a very immediate and live feel to it, even after all these years it’s as if it happened yesterday.