• Audience 8.7 - Nothing offensive here, a capture with more than enough headroom to EQ to taste, which shows me the tapers knew what they were doing with the levels. Thank you.
  • Audience 8.9 - A beautifully warm, tight sound. Great capture here!
  • Audience 9.4 - Thankfully the final show of their last Tour features a superbly captured tape with good tight sound.
  • Audience 9.4 - One of the most exciting tapes, the sound leaps at you in amazing clarity and detail where you just get the sense that you are right there watching the gig. Great job by the taper, wish I could thank them personally.
  • Audience 8.4 - Captures the PA sound in reasonable quality, as if you are midway back on floor, so you do get the special aspect, you get some hall verb for sure but I have heard worse.
  • Audience 9.5 - Spectacular! I mean there are times when you’d swear it was a board. This is a must have!
  • Audience 8.8 - Pretty good sound especially if you want to focus on Geddy’s playing.
  • Audience 8.8 - Not all the 2015 shows were recorded by folks who understand where to sit and how to get levels, these guys did, thank goodness!
  • Audience 8.8 - Warm sound, leveled off somewhere in the upper mid and stays there…with quality.
  • Audience 8.8 - Everything is where it should be in this sound mix except I find Geddy’s vocals just a hair behind but it does not bother me at all. In fact this mix allows me to appreciate more of the bass and guitar playing. Really good stuff here!
  • Audience? Hard to tell if this is an audience or soundboard, it is really good. If it is audience, then it was done very close to the mains but no distortion at all, but I doubt that because there is very precise stereo panning on some of the effects (such as intro to 2112). If it is a soundboard, it is a good one because it allows some bleeding in of the crowd and atmosphere.
  • Audience 8.9 - This recording gives off a sense of massive power with Geddy’s bass sound being huge and round and dead on – with a great open expanse overhead allowing the music to breathe a little. This atmosphere allows the music to sometimes move around in the stereo field a little which is nice. I like this kind of recording when it comes to the larger venues.
  • CD 1 - Soundboard 8.6 - Sounds very low gen but the tape seems somewhat compressed, but very clean, and thankfully can be turned up loud without breaking up. CD 2 - Soundboard 8.6 - A lot like disc one, occasional phasing on one or two tracks, but again it is pretty clean and a mix that reveals how good each player is in this band. CD 3 - Soundboard 8.4 - A step down from the first couple of discs but it has a little more brightness to it, and a little more noise and a strange sort of echo on the guitar which does not bother me, it is just different than the other discs. All in all, collectors will find much to like here.
  • CD 1 - Audience 7.4 - A much better source tape here for this show, sounds a lot better than I remember it being. It’s still somewhat thin, but the bass guitar is very clear note-wise, just do not expect slamming bottom end. The second show on CD 1 is Soundboard 9.4 - Superb! CD 2 - Audience 7.4 - Similar to the Portland show, with more emphasis on drums, less clarity in the total mix- but heavier low end. CD 3 - All Radio Broadcast 8.8
  • Audience 9.3 - Very well placed mic allows the perfect balance of instruments in a setting that seems to breath, there’s space for the music and the audience to provide ideal atmosphere and balance.
  • Audience 8.6 - With the shortage of recordings spanning 2016 to now, anything is welcome including this rather spacious sounding capture. Bigger on atmosphere than super focused instruments, the vocals ring loud and clear but guitar chimes behind most of it all. Still, rather good, and I will take that!


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