• Audience 7.4 - For the first half of the show containing the Edgar Winter and Leon Russell sets, and 8.2 for the duration, which is cool because now you have a complete picture of the entire evening, start to finish, which you rarely find. As the tape progresses, rather than diminish, it brightens and opens up for pretty much the entire Gregg Allman set. Not that it is horrible, just that it occupies a mid range bandwidth without straying into too many dynamics. Tape does not distort, and does not peak, so what you get is a consistent capture that gets progressively better as the evening wears on. This tape has never been heard prior to the release of this set.
  • Soundboard 9.4   (all three discs)
  • Audience 7.7 - You can count on one hand the number of GFR live recordings from the early 70’s, so whenever one pops up, it is worth investigating further. This one is absolutely worthwhile, with sound quality that places it into the top 5. All instruments hear, and clearly with drums being the weakest link.
  • Audience 7.8 - Very worthwhile listen, all the energy and excitement is here in spades, and a very decent recording of what had to be insanely loud! One of the better early audience recordings out there for sure.
  • Audience 9.0 - This goes from worst to first in a hurry. Skip the first song, go right into the next song because from there on out this is spectacular!
  • Audience 7.4 - Supremely loud! Only by turning down the dial on the very crisp highs (as in cymbal crashes) will you get something discernible in this noisy wall of sonic mayhem. However, it is clear enough to enjoy nonetheless.
  • Audience 7.1 - Not the greatest fidelity but once you get through the first sound and your ears adjust you will get sucked into this marathon of a show. Only one song clocked in at under 6 minutes. One thing that I was struck by here, was the sheer massiveness of the bass, when he kicks in the fuzz overdrive it is massive and really drives this band’s music. A worthwhile listen considering the miniscule amount of GFR recordings out there, especially from this vintage.
  • Audience 8.3 - Pretty clean but somewhat low levels. Solution? Play it loud!
  • Audience 8.7 - It’s a small to mid-size venue and a loud all-girl metal band so the idea here is to just have some fun. If you are wanting pristine clarity and dynamics, you have come to the wrong place. If you want polished, precision metal, um, yeah, whatever pal. If you wanna rock with some veteran metal chicks and get sloppy drunk, well, step right up!
  • Soundboard 9.6 - Just fantastic! I have to believe this was recorded for possible future official release, it’s just that good.
  • Audience 7.4 - My oh my what a difference technology makes! I remember in the early days of my collecting music, and I mean on cassette tapes mind you, this show was one that I just would not even listen to out of curiosity. It was “file under abysmal” and that was it. Now, this new transfer from the master, and a prudent digital re-mastering has brought out actual music here! In fact, it’s not even that horrendous and you will actually listen to it. One brief moment really struck me, and it was the last fading seconds of the recording when you hear the enthusiastic shouts from the audience as the intense sounding Hammond organ notes fade out. This reminded me of just how powerful a Genesis show was in 1972, and we do not appreciate that because there are no analog recordings that can accurately reproduce that intense sound. We have to use a little imagination, but sometimes we do catch glimpses of it.
  • Audience 9.0 - Tremendous atmosphere gives you a crystal clear impression of what this gig was like, and it is very clean sounding like a master source was used. Fantastic experience with the only minor complaint being that there are two songs missing…it happens.
  • Audience 8.6 - Right down in there with the crowd, listening to the audience listening to the band. The band and their music sound terrific, the audio quality is actually pretty darn good, bright, not distorted, maybe not as full on the bottom end but the bass itself is very round but not thumping. Drums are crisp and well defined. This is actually a good recording!


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