• Audience 7.2 - I love this, for many reasons beyond sound rating. This is one of those shows to me that rises above all other shows of better quality. It is not bad, it is actually a good, fun listen with nothing that annoys or distracts. It is not overly dynamic with crystal highs and deep lows, but the space it occupies does not offend. A good one, while he’s away!
  • Audience 7.1 - Stuck in the narrow mid band, while Roger soars above the din. Not a lot of clarity with the rhythm section, but thankfully enough I can get 80% of the guitar notes. Does not suck, but does not blow you away either. Simply average.
  • Audience 8.0 - Loud, very up front and loud but it’s just great. Not technically great, if you want to cross hairs, but a very solid tape and one worthy of consumption.
  • Audience 8.7 - This tape barely contains the driving, relentless energy of the Who. It does, in fact, manage to remain somewhat stable even if Roger gets a little lost in the mix. Sheer power, loudness that probably caused some major hearing loss for a few folks.
  • Audience 7.1 - Somewhat distant and an underlying cacophony but there is a reason why Who collectors go for the 1972 European tour tapes – quality be damned – because the band was really peaking at this time. So, good show, average recording.
  • Audience 8.8 - This is one for the history books! Includes the first two songs from the infamous halted show where Keith is carried out of the venue. The make up show, as you can imagine, is full of vim and vigor. Good sound, great show…get it!
  • Audience 7.5 - Overloaded tape, but surprisingly isn’t distorting, it just can’t contain the power of The Who in 1970. That being said, I bet even the casual fan will find something redeeming here – a loud concert whereby at least you can hear everything – loudly! I kind of got into it, by the time Young Man Blues kicks in, you are in this for the duration.
  • Audience 8.4 - Amazing discovery here, a complete 1971 show that sounds rather decent (if loud). This tape puts you right into the middle of the audience, it’s quite exciting!
  • Audience 7.2 - A low rating but at least .5 points higher than the original version. Someone did a Remaster which it desperately needed because it was flawed. Mainly, it’s surface noise from the vinyl source (original tape source never located). It wasn’t great to begin with either. If you needed to upgrade this for your collection – get this one .... Bonus is the great artwork and packaging.
  • Audience 8.3 - This is as good as I have ever heard this show sound. Possibly from a very low generation tape source or master because there is no hiss, and it is pretty clear although not super dynamic. The band was in top form during this European series of concerts.
  • Audience 8.8 - This is a significant recording mainly from a historical sense, but for all the wrong reasons too. Yes it is the infamous gig where 11 people died outside the venue waiting to get in. The band were not informed until after the show, so they play their set oblivious, and it is a fine set. It’s eerie now to hear this knowing what transpired earlier, thankfully it is actually a very fine recording. This is one of those things I have to encourage everyone to check out for all the RIGHT reasons though…but yeah there’s that.
  • Audience 8.9 - A fine recording that seems to originate from John’s side of the stage because guitar, while there, is kind of behind the action which allows you to pay attention to the bass work, and really will surprise you just how much of a second guitar that bass was at times. I also like the slight change of "Can’t Explain" they do here – this is a great show. This is also a very good recording so get it!
  • Audience 8.6 - The tape starts off kind of funky, and the band, or I should say, Phil Lynott, is having difficulty with the sound of his bass. Things get progressively better, until what you have is a pretty darn good show and recording.
  • Audience 6.9 - Well, here's the rub: Great band, great time (1971), great place (Bern, Switzerland), but not great recording. I mean, what you really need anyway is the guitar here, and at least you get some of that!  The problem is mainly a lo-fi experience but to be fair to this capture you do hear it all on stage. I am too harsh really, I think if you just give it a chance it gets better to your ears. I mean, it's TOAD man! How many live recordings are there? Two? Whatever it is this is still essential.
  • Audience 9.0 - Clear and bright, pristine in the highs with the detail, remarkable.
  • Audience 8.6 - A very “live” sounding tape! Excitement, yes indeed (despite modest hiss).
  • Audience 8.8 - Someone snuck in some good gear for this capture. You can just tell the mics are quality, there’s a great stereo pan, a good atmospheric capture.
  • Audience 8.3 - A little thin and some tape hiss present. Tape starts off, maybe the first 45 minutes or so, is very good but later there is a sound glitch on stage, with the guitar amp, and the band is thrown off. The sound is similar maybe during the second half but the band is not quite the same imho. Still, a good one for collectors – very decent, can enjoy!
  • Audience 8.7 - A little rough around the edges but surprisingly good for the vintage.
  • Audience 9.6 - Hard to tell if this is Soundboard or Audience, it is that good. My best guess is that it is a Pro Audience, very good gear - probably open reel to reel.
  • Audience 7.7 - Lo-fi but surprisingly clear with a good biting guitar tone, and solid bass. Drums kind of buried.
  • Audience 7.2 - Sound not good but artwork is spectacular. For collectors only.
  • Audience 8.4 - Very good job here by an astute taper who knew to capture the opening band as well – also featured here!
  • Audience 8.8 - Perhaps lacking in sonic depth, it makes up for it in clarity and detail, the kind that allows you to hear the nuance because this band had nuance in spades.
  • Audience 8.4 - A rather decent tape that delivers a clear representation of the music happening on stage. I found that maybe the levels were a tad hot, but I prefer that over low levels that you end up having to crank up causing terrible hiss. This one is not suffering at all from that problem!
  • Soundboard 8.9     (4-3-79)
  • Soundboard 8.8     (4-13-79)
  • Audience 8.8 - Very cool, great atmosphere!
  • Audience 8.1 - One of the better early recordings. Get it!
  • CD 1 - Audience 7.4 - Strong and loud without the dreaded over driven distorted mess or squashed lo fi sound. Jamming! CD 2 - Audience 7.0 - Tape is a bit over-saturated but even so, you do get everything on the stage in full force (meaning sledgehammer to your skull).
  • Audience 8.2 - Above average Audience recording with one very critical feature – contains perhaps the most sinister, gnarliest Hammond organ sound ever committed to tape. Just ferocious, and the band is on fire. Brilliant!
  • Audience 7.2 - For the time, this is actually pretty decent. I mean, this band was LOUD, and really there’s no way to properly record on some cheap cassette player. Still, a rare early show, applaud this taper please!
  • Audience 7.6 - I rate this highly because I am amazed that the taper got something this decent because it is obvious the gear is amateur and the band is LOUD as all hell. That being said, this should give you a very good idea of what you could have expected seeing this band in the early 70’s.
  • This is an Audience recording, my rating is a 7.3 quality, not a bad show.  It's got one thing I can appreciate, a lively atmosphere without being obnoxious and intrusive although I got to tell you, sometimes the audience makes the performance...want proof?  Listen to the Madison Square Garden 1984 show - you can honestly say that the loud, obnoxious, and totally over the top crowd and atmosphere is what totally makes that show. I found myself more interested in the crowd believe it or not. I must offer that show in the future - seriously the audience is the best part even though the band is on fire and inspired by the crowd. This one is close to that mania, but nothing compares to that MSG show.
  • Audience 9.0 - Fantastic! Stunning performance and incredibly realistic feel of the show captured on this tape. Right up close, freakin’ PA’s pumping but recording levels are set proper and you get slammed in the face with a red hot Van Halen. Love this!
  • Audience 8.4 - Man, what an amazing show this is! and not for the reasons you might think. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this BECAUSE OF THE AUDIENCE!  Yes, it's so unique to find a show that I get into the crowd as much as the band. In this case, the band, as good as they are (and they are extremely pumped up as the crowd pushes them further and further every song), the audience is the real star of the show. I've just never heard anything like this - the recording is excellent, capturing the atmosphere and the audience very well - notice I did not say "the music" here?  Really, I kid you not, this show is about the crowd and the band is just along for the ride. Incredible document. Wish I was there!
  • Audience 8.7 - Really loud and up front sound but no distortion makes for a real thrill ride. I love this recording. I think it captures the manic energy happening on stage. Wonderful
  • Audience 8.5 - The better of the Japan shows. Clear, in your face, average separation of instruments but Eddie in great form and can hear every note.
  • Audience 8.2 - This is a very in demand show from this tour. Why? Because it is perhaps the best audience recording from 1984, but it is not perfect, it just has more great qualities than bad. I think the only knock is the absence of bottom end, but that is what an Equalizer is for. Get this and have fun!
  • Audience 8.6 - Slight tape saturation. Eddie is front and center and is SMOKING hot. I love DLR in the first song forgetting the words and turning it into a lyric. Classic VH in every way.
  • Audience 7.8 - Stadium sound all the way. Boomy and loud and CRAZY audience but damn, it’s hard not to love it. The good news here is the drums are defined and not just a sloppy boomy mess, the guitar slices through the mud and lands on your ears in the right spot, then Dave yelps, and does his thing. The end of Hot For Teacher when the drum solo starts the whole place goes bananas.
  • Audience 7.8 - I can handle an average audience tape as long as the guitar is clear, and this one thankfully showcases guitar in the mix and man, I am glad because he is TEARING it up here! At times even the mix gets really good and clear, like the taper is maneuvering for better position so this is a strong 7.8.
  • Audience/Soundboard - The Houston Music Hall tape is a 7.1 quality Audience. but it is a first generation and therefore does represent the best possible source of the concert that kicked off their 1979 tour. The bonus material is all Soundboard including the Bradford, UK. which does rate a solid 8.8 with signs of age, the US festival portion rates 9.7 being from a pristine condition transcription disc.


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