• Audience 7.5 - Total audience immersion. Great package but not a great recording.
  • Audience 9.4 - Lively, crisp, detailed sound make this a MUST have for this tour.
  • Audience 7.4 - Vocals and Guitar are audible above the denseness. Not a clear tape, but surprisingly it is very quiet meaning I believe this is VERY low generation if not from a master source. Decent for 1971, we take what we can get!
  • Audience 7.8 - A little tape noise comes through, but the music has frequency intact giving it a pretty good overall sound field – maybe slightly compressed and not pinpoint accurate with the separation but one can get into this show. It is a “fine” audience capture.
  • Audience 7.9 - This is NOT a hi-fidelity tape at all, but for what it is you will find yourself diving in with all ears. Why? It is an INTIMATE capture, with a great warm bass sound, and just a real closeness and immediacy that overcomes what are some obvious tape limitations. The BEST average audience tape you will ever hear!
  • Audience 8.6 - Steve Howe guitar is prominent in the mix, which I am fine with.
  • Audience 7.6 - Reasonably clear tape, with a touch of that bass drum and bass guitar boom for a large hall but it does not intrude on guitar which comes through it all.
  • Audience 8.3 - Not too bad, with some telltale big hall boom (not that much) and maybe recorded from somewhere in the middle of the hall. It’s a welcome tape though, not that many decent 76 shows to choose from.
  • Soundboard 8.9 - A solid, gut punching recording that focuses in on some good midrange and a well defined Chris Squire. Good deal!
  • Audience 7.7 - Thin sound but guitar and vocals very present. Not all that bad really. Can enjoy this one.
  • Audience 7.2 - Crowded in the middle, with more definition contained in the upper frequencies, but too much clutter for me on this one. Good for the serious collector, as most people know the band really hit their stride on the European leg of this tour.
  • Audience 8.4 - Good solid punch, a well defined mid band and decent highs. A keeper!
  • Audience 8.8 - Clear solid and a good live mix where everything is clearly heard.
  • Audience 8.7 - Very clean, levels a little low so turn it up. Very nice, and the band is great.
  • Audience 8.8 - Decent sound quality with good low end which helps immensely. The louder you crank this the more realistic it gets. Mix-wise, I hear guitar maybe a little low, but bass, drums, vocals especially present.
  • Audience 7.8 - Interesting recording, seems like it was done from the keyboard side of the stage for sure as they come through clear and loud, followed by guitar. The rhythm section is somewhat indistinct and vocals, while pretty front and center too, are fighting for the space that the keyboards occupy causing a bandwidth battle. What you have is a fight to control the mid-band range, so while I think this recording is good and clear, it’s too much happening in the middle. One thing you may also notice, the feeling you might get is that this is still the 70’s, even though it is the end of the decade, the music and atmosphere here is still firmly planted in the 70’s.


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