• This set collects not so widely available shows of varying quality but certainly ones that fill in missing parts to a collection. CD 1 - Audience 7.4 - Actually not that bad at all, and probably one of the better ones of this set. CD 2 - Audience 7.7 - Fine recording that kind of stays in a rather crisp mode, but if I were to remaster it or want to add bass this recording is a PERFECT one because highs are so good on this, and accurate to a fault really. A decent recording that needs low end but VERY enjoyable! CD 3 - Audience 7.0 - Might be the worst of this set, but Randy is clear here on this tape, followed by Ozzy, so the priorities are at least straight! CD 4 - Audience 7.5 - Right down the middle, as far as sound-field, but it is not that hard to go ahead and appreciate this for what it is. Mediocre and at times gets really good and clear especially during softer sections of songs. CD 5 - Audience 7.3 - I would rate this higher for the fact that levels are good, and everything can be heard, but the fault is that everything is mid to upper band and gets too harsh for me. I think a good EQ would do wonders, because at least the mids and highs are there in which to round out more and even reduce in favor of low mid and low frequencies.
  • Audience 8.3 - This recording is super lively but there’s some crowding and crunchiness right in the middle frequencies that takes some of the clarity out with it, but it’s just a great listen nonetheless. I am surprised I was not familiar with this show, it’s a keeper.
  • Soundboard 9.1 - Legendary, everyone should have this. Classic Randy shredding lights out and Ozzy in fine voice.
  • Audience 7,8 - It’s hard to get across the reason why Ozzy/Randy era collectors really ought to get this even though the rating seems low. Well, it was lower until it got remastered, and that helped highlight what is good on this tape, which is that the guitar is nicely in front, and that you can actually hear everything and it is not distorted or too muddy…except when taper seems to have to hide his mic, which thankfully is not often. But, yes, it’s got issues like most stadium rock bands that played at high volume, where the tape deck just cannot get the hugeness of the sound onto the old magnetic tape. Now, let me just say, when Randy solos, you get that clear and center here, and especially during his solo part in Suicide Solution where it’s just him. It’s kind of like pulling off the bed sheets, it really opens up. A good tape for collectors that has a lot to offer, the bonus being it is not a common tape at all.
  • Audience 8.8 - Sonically it sits in a good place. Although separation of instruments is a little quirky to my ears, the signal is very strong, as if right in front of the main PA system, but Plant is crystal clear, and the guitar/bass combo is super fat right behind him. It makes for an interesting experience, really giving a sense of being in the front row.
  • Audience 8.9 - A lively audience while the band is in top form and both seem to feed off of each other. A great show!
  • Audience 9.1 - Someone knew what there were doing! Wonderful presence! Jamming show!
  • Audience 7.8 - Quite a brilliant sound, some audience involvement occasionally, just a touch of hall, but good atmosphere to compliment a pleasant tape.
  • Soundboard 9.1 - Good, tight, maybe leans a little trebly but still it’s rockin’ good to the eardrums.
  • Soundboard 9.7 - A little bright, but kick ass energy. A must!
  • Audience 8.0-8.4 - Gets better and better. Strong stage mix, great bass and drum sound, and oh that guitar, blazing!
  • Audience 7.1 - Boomy, loud, raunchy, phases in and out sometimes…but the incredible electric acid blues rock vibe shines through it all. Sometimes it sounds like you are standing too close to their main PA, it’s scary real this tape!


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