Aud 7.3 – 7.5 - This recording ranges due to the fact that it is a 3 source merge. When it is at a 7.5 or even higher, it is pretty good stuff, like Red House for instance really shines. The weaker parts of the show just lack some definition and clarity but you can hear everything on stage, with some atmosphere too. Overall it is a special show, you get that sense from the bands performance.
Audience 7.3 - The sound field just won’t open up no matter how much you hope it will. However, this tape holds some rewards if you hang in there, there’s enough head room to sweeten the sound with Equalizer, so it does need a little boost on the highs – the mids and lows are all there and are not super well defined nor are they too boomy or muddy. There’s some muddiness but it is not a deal breaker. This is a good historic artifact.