Radio Broadcast 8.8 - Well, this is one unique sounding recording for a radio broadcast. When I first began to listen I thought this was an open mic style thing but when the guitar kicked in I knew it was probably a live mixed open mic/close mic job. The engineer battles to get a decent mix but it doesn’t reach the levels of what you’d expect of a professional broadcast recording. Does that mean it is bad? No, it’s decent sounding for all intents and purposes…but it certainly could have been a lot better. That said, it’s a great performance by the band. I was introduced to the music of Yes not by the ubiquitous Close To The Edge but from the album Tormato, which they are touring here, and in particular by the song “Don’t Kill The Whale” which I love to this day and which is performed here.
International Amphitheatre
Chicago, Illinois, USA
24 September 1978
Disc 1
1.01 -WKQX Intro (0:06)
1.02 -Young Person's Guide - Close Encounters Intro (4:07)
1.03 -Siberian Khatru (10:13)
1.04 -Heart Of The Sunrise (11:09)
1.05 -Future Times - Rejoice (7:04)
1.06 -Circus Of Heaven (5:12)
1.07 -Time And A Word - Long Distance Runaround- The Fish - Perpetual Change - Soon (25:42)
Disc 2
2.01 -Don't Kill The Whale (4:32)
2.02 -Madrigal (0:51)
2.03 -The Clap (4:47)
2.04 -Starship Trooper (10:15)
2.05 -On The Silent Wings Of Freedom (7:57)
2.06 -Madrigal (1:13)
2.07 -Rick Wakeman Solo (5:31)
2.08 -Awaken (16:11)
2.09 -I've Seen All Good People (8:13)
2.10 -Roundabout (8:51)
2.11 -WKQX outro (1:02)
Jon Anderson - vocals, guitar, harp
Steve Howe - guitars
Chris Squire - bass quitars
Rick Wakeman - keyboards
Alan White - drums